Thursday, May 3, 2012

Playdate with Ella and Emily :)

So, Thursday, May 3, 2012, Jodi and I decided we would get our girls together for a playdate at the park :) Jodi and I have loved me being back in Illinois for a month. We have loved our weekly dates and really really wish we lived close enough to do this all of the time.

We decided to grab lunch at Michael's Italian Feast (yummy in my tummy) and go to the park a few neighborhoods away from my parent's house. It's so weird how much the park has changed! I used to go there and "hang out" in grade school, high school, and during the summer when I was in college. They've added onto the park now and it's so crazy taking my little offspring with me to it. As we pull up to park, there are 17 million children there. Apparently it was field trip day for the grade school and a day care. The funny part is that Jodi teaches at the school that was field tripping at the park so she knew some of the kids and teachers. Kinda freaked me out that all of those dirty little mini people would go over and try to touch her baby or something. Thankfully they didn't stay the entire time so we finally had a bit of piece and quiet and our two girls could run free.

Aren't they quite a pair????

Charlotte calls her "Ey-ya"

This is the best one I could get of them... perfection!

I wish this wasn't blurry. Once the big kids left and we let our two run free, Charlotte followed Ella everywhere. Ella found her way into the honeycomb jungle gym thing. She was so cute in there...and so proud of herself. Charlotte stood on the outside and waved.

Emily slept the entire time. Such a perfect, sweet little baby.

Since I am large and in charge growing a fetus, Jodi took Charlotte down the slide. Since Jodi wore shorts, her skin on her legs caused her to skid down the slide. I have a HILARIOUS action shot of Jodi's face but I won't do that to her. I won't post it.

I am excited for the day that Charlotte can be more independent at places like parks. I felt like she just followed Ella around wishing she could do what Ella was doing. But she had a blasty and was asleep before we could get back to mom and dad's house.

I hope someday when these two are older that they will be friends...even if it's just Facebook friends :) 

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