Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I'm Going To Miss Them...

On the evening of Wednesday, May 16, 2012, after hanging with Niki and the boys during the day, Charlotte and I met up some of our favorite people. Miss Brenda, Miss Donna, Niki, Parker, Tanya, Charlotte, and I all met up for dinner at Cracker Barrel in Summerville. I've known Miss Brenda, Miss Donna, and Tanya since I moved to Charleston all by my lonesome in 2005. I've known them longer than I've known my husband. They are family They are my Charleston family. 

Charlotte loved her time with Tanya...mainly bc Tanya let her play her phone. Charlotte is all about the technology.

One thing Niki and I know about each other is that no one EVER takes pictures of us with our own children. Everyone takes pictures with our kids or has us take pictures of them holding our kids, but no one ever takes a picture of the baby and the mama together. So this was the PERFECT opportunity for us to do this.

Beautiful Niki and handsome Parker. 

Charlotte AKA Hot Mess and Tanya.

She really thought she was hot stuff sitting in a rocking chair outside. 

The mamas and the babies. (Gavin stayed with his grandma so that Niki could enjoy her dinner)

We have NEVER taken a picture together just the two of us. Crazy, right??? And to think this is 2 days before she leaves Charleston.

Oh, Miss Donna. She is like my other mother. Charlotte loves her too :) It was so so so good to see her.

Who knows what I am trying to tell her in this picture. I look rather sassy.

Sweet Miss Brenda. Charlotte loves her so much!!

I love my ladies from Trident. I know that I complained back in the day when I was working but what I complained about was the politics at that job. I loved my co-workers. Like I said before, they were my family. They invited me to their family Christmas's, into their family's homes, invited me to their parties, always udpated me on their lives, and have continued to be a part of my life over the last year and a half that I haven't worked with them. I love these ladies. Thank you, Miss Brenda, Miss Donna, Tanya, and Niki for being my family away from my family. I love you all so much.

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