Friday, May 25, 2012

Our Last Full Day in Charleston...

Our last full day in Charleston was a bit hard for me to swallow. I had a doctor's appt to start the day off. I had to go do the blood sugar test done (which I knew I would fail) and then I had a bunch of errands to run. I had to run by Charlotte's Doctor to get her medical records. They saw me park and start walking in so as soon as I was in there, they had the records in hand. I got to cut passed all of the people waiting to check in. It hit me that I am going somewhere where they don't know me from Adam. They don't love my kid to death like Dr. Leonardi's office does. I don't have to check in at my doctor or hers. They just see me and we are good to go. I cried.  It was pretty sad and surreal as I was driving back to our house. I knew it was the last time I would be making the drive from North Charleston to 570 Ivy Circle. I could make that drive with my eyes closed. Sometimes the drive would annoy me, but on Friday May 25, 2012, I kind of didn't want it to end.  I cried. I sang sad songs and I cried. I took in my last view of the Ravenel Bridge as I crossed the Ashley River. I took in the view of the crazy guy with the golf club that walks around Grand Oaks during the day hitting things (he scares me a bit). And I took in my beautiful house with the palm trees on either side of the driveway.

Ronnie and Laurie (Alex's parents) came down to help, see Charlotte, and say goodbye. They got to the house while I was out and about. They brought lunch so that we didn't have to cook. It was good having someone there to play with Charlotte so I could finish getting some packing and cleaning done. Alex needed to get the yard spruced up so he and his dad spent a few hours in the afternoon getting it all pretty and nice.  I had done a really good job doing it by myself up until that point but since I had been in Illinois for a month, it had gotten a bit out of hand. I called a few friends and cried about how sad I was. I broke down to Alex when he asked me if something was wrong. It was all just a bit overwhelming.

Ronnie and Laurie stayed until around dinner time. Charlotte loved playing outside with them. She loved her new water table they had gotten her. She loved going on a walk. She was literally a hot mess by the end of the day. After they left, we had a few hours to get a some things done. Josh and Nicole came over to say "goodbye". I had told her she didn't have to drive all of the way to West Ashley 2 days in a row  but she said that she wasn't prepared to say goodbye on Thursday so she needed to come on Friday. It made my heart hurt. We love Josh and Nicole. We love hanging out with them. My child loves them. They are like family.

As we were eating dinner/pizza with them, mom and dad got to the house from Illinois. Charlotte's face when she saw her "Papa" walking up the front sidewalk was priceless. She was hilarious. His face was just as priceless. She was in heaven...her daddy and papa all in one house. Could her life get any better???? Mom and dad were in the car for 17 hours this trip. They got into a few traffic jams and there was obnoxious traffic bc it was Memorial Day weekend. But they still made it...swollen ankles, aching backs, and very little sleep. Quite the combo for a day of moving the next day :)

Saying our "see you later" to Josh and Nicole wasn't fun but to be honest, I was too exhausted to cry. I hate that I didn't take any pictures on our last full day and night in our house but I was just too sad, too tired, to stressed, too overwhelmed to pick up a camera. Eventually I will get a few of the thousands Ronnie took of Charlotte while they were visiting for the day ;-)

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