Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Charlotte's 15 Month Check Up

I normally do a crazy long bit each time Charlotte turns another month older. This month I am going to for sure give information but not as much. On May 8, 2012, Charlotte turned 15 months old. Obviously we were in Illinois during it. The day after we got back, Tuesday May 15, 2012, Charlotte had her 15 month check up with Dr. Leonardi.

Weight: 20 lbs 2 oz

Height: 31.5 inches

Clothing: Mostly 12 months, some 9 months but no bigger than 12 months.

Teeth: She still only has six teeth.

Health: Charlotte got a virus before we went to Illinois. She had a cough, a stuffy nose, and a fever that would be anywhere from 99-103. I thought she either hit her eye on something or had pink eye. We went to the doctor and Dr. Lowe told me that it was an eye infection. The redness went away before I could really even use the eye drops. She also had a TERRIBLE DIAPER RASH while we were in Illinois. It was terrible. She screamed. She wouldn't take baths. Her bottom was RAW. No diaper rash cream made it better. So, I called the doctor and we started her on jock itch cream and a few other things. She also slept without a diaper on for a few nights. Poor poor baby. I was so happy when it went away.

Talking: Charlotte talks up a storm...alot of which we don't know what she is saying. But she tries to tell us everything. Her favorite words are "Dada", "Maaa" (Max), "Papa", "Dogdog", and many many more. She says the phrase "What's that?" or "Who's that?" She says it really fast and most people are like, "What's she saying?" She barks at everyone. There are too many words that she says for me to remember but she continues to learn more things all of the time.

Favorites: Charlotte's favorite things in life continue to be dogs, water, my dad, her dad, Max, books, and going outside. She loves all sweets especially golden Oreos. She absolutely loves them. She won't share them. She breaks them apart and eats the creme out of the middle of the Oreos. She loves ice cream and popsicles. She loves juice and continues to hate milk. She loves to push things. She loves to play with water and dirt. She loves all things boys love including balls and rocks and sticks and digging. She loves Little Einsteins and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

Personality: She is starting to test her limits a bit more. She has started hitting when she doesn't want someone to pick her up or hold her. She throws her pacifiers, toys, cups, etc and yells "uh-oh". I am trying to teach her that "uh-oh" means it was on accident. She has started banging her head on the ground or whatever is around her when she gets mad. I'm glad that she grew out of the pulling her hair out phase but this banging of the head makes her look weird. She does it in public and at home. She does the back arch, the scream, the fit throw, anytime, anywhere. She's not even close to the Terrible Two's. 

Charlotte had an eventful month from turning 14 to 15 months. She did lots of travelling and saw lots of people. There was never a lack of attention for her. I am crazy about this girl. She is getting closer and closer to becoming a big sister :)

This was our last visit with Dr. Leonardi. He was sad to see us go...as was his office staff. They always knew us when we would walk in...didn't even have to check in. They loved Charlotte and he did too. He gave us both a hug goodbye. After 7 years of knowing him, this goodbye made me sad :( He's been a great doctor to her. I had his cell phone number for when I needed it. He would call me if he heard I had called with a questions about Charlotte. He was very attentive and even said as we were leaving to still call him if I need anything. Thanks for everything, Dr. Leonardi :)

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