Saturday, September 8, 2012

Sawyer Month Update: One Month

Date: September 8, 2012

Weight: 9 lbs 2 oz (at 2 weeks and 5 days old)

Height: 22 inches (at 2 weeks and 5 days old)

Diaper: Size 1 diapers (We prefer Target brand....just a little side note)

Clothing: Our handsome little man wears newborn and 3 month size clothing. His newborn stuff fits perfectly and his 3 month stuff fits pretty well. Some of his stuff is still a bit big but fits for the most part. Dressing a boy is so different than dressing a girl...but it is still fun.

Sleeping: Sawyer still sleeps quite a bit. He has 2-3 awake periods during the day but continues to sleep. Sometimes it's a cat nap, sometimes he has a real long sleep. He can sleep through pretty much everything... vaccuums, fit throwing, loud music, being moved from one thing to another. He is a great sleeper! During the day he takes his naps in his carseat (while we are out and about shopping and what not), on the couch, in his bouncy seat, or in his crib. Anytime he sleeps on his tummy, I prefer for him to be in his bed with the angel monitor on in case he were to stop breathing. At night he sleeps in a bassinet in the middle of our king sized bed. He sleeps pretty comfortably in it and it makes me feel better to have him close. He is a gassy little booger and grunts, kicks, and talks throughout the night.

Eating: Our little guy. He is breastfeeding like a champ. He loves to eat. He usually eats every 2.5 to 3 hours. At night he will give me a break and go 3-5 hours between feedings :) Precious, right? He eats like a champ but is a very gassy child. In the beginning, he was getting formula and breastmilk but once the milk came in, this boy became just a breastmilk only baby. What a champ! He nurses very well but takes a bottle well if I want to pump and have someone else feed him. When he was right at a week old, I noticed just how gassy he was so I gave up a  bunch of things that I loved... CAFFEINE being the number 1 thing. I also gave up all fruits and vegetables. I would do anything to help him be in less pain. 

Health: Sawyer is checking out fabulously healthwise. Dr. Hartman says he is growing and could possibly end up being pretty tall bc he had grown 2 inches in 2 weeks. I think what happened is that he wasn't measured correctly when we went to the doctor for his first appt. (Which proved to be right). I asked the doctor for pointers on what to do for his gas (even though I am a nurse and have a gassy child as my first child,  I still want pointers.) We are giving him myelicon around the clock. He loves Gripe Water. The doctor recommended feeding him some warm chamomile tea with dark Karo syrup in it. She said that can calm a crazy belly. When we were discussing the gas, she made reference to him being "colicky" and I told her we do not use that word in our house :) The tea does help though.

Personality: Sawyer is pretty laid back...when his belly isn't bothering him. He will just hang out if he isn't hurting. He loves to be talked to and he loves to make eye contact. He is starting to smile with purpose. He loves to lay and kick and is finally starting to kick and have fun in the bath tub. He is starting to talk and babble. The go-to baby appliance for him is the bouncy seat. He loves to sit in the bouncy seat and often falls asleep in it. I have tried to get him to swim bc we have such a fabulous swing but he isn't a fan of it...and Charlotte won't leave him alone in it. He loves to be held and talked to...and even enjoys my singing from time to time. He also really loves his big sister....he will just watch her and smile at her.

Having two kids has been a challenge but in a wonderful way. Sawyer is such an awesome kid. He is just downright handsome and the perfect kiddo when his belly isn't rumbling and hurting him. We will continue to work on it. He has become my newest partner in crime and I look forward to the start of each day and seeing his sweet face smiling at me :)

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