Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Whole Day with Grandma and Grandpa Jackson

Tuesdays are Alex's day off so it was great that his family planned to come on a day he could spend the entire day with them. Before they left on that Monday evening, they asked what time he would be up. I said, "Whenever the kids get up." They were surprised that he didn't get to sleep in :) The joy of Alex is that he does not want to sleep in. He gets so little time with the kids as it is, he likes to get up and help with them. Besides, Charlotte doesn't let anyone sleep while she is awake. She is NOT a fan of that...especially her daddy.

So, we got up and had some family time. Sawyer got a bath to start his day. He LOVES it.

While I was giving Sawyer a bath, I let Charlotte give her baby doll a bath... with daddy's help.

We are trying to teach her what peeing is. Here is her baby doll peeing.

We had breakfast and got ready for the day. Alex and Charlotte took a nap together and Sawyer took a nap with me. Around 11:30 as I was getting out of the shower, the family showed up. Luckily Charlotte kept sleeping even though there were other people in the house. We all finished getting ready and Charlotte finished her nap and we were off to spend a few hours in Columbus.

We went to Momma Goldburg's Deli in downtown...a  staple of this area. It was delicious as always. 

Sawyer slept through it all... thankfully...

After our fabulous lunch, we all went down to the riverwalk to look at the amazingness that is the Chattahoochee  River.

Amelia brought her camera too :) 

The girl loves her water

I told Ronnie this could be his new profile picture on Facebook.

Charlotte and Grandma Jackson watching the ducks and water.

Someone decided he was hungry!! He woke up to eat and say "hey"

Charlotte is such a big helper. Poor Sawyer had no idea she was the one driving the bus.

Grandpa and Grandma Jackson

Ronnie was being the funny guy and acting like he was going to get Mimi wet :) So funny :)

Love this picture of Mimi watching the ducks
Charlotte wouldn't get her picture with Aunt Amelia even though they were buds all day the day before so daddy had to get in the pictures too.

After walking along the riverwalk (it was HOT out) we went to the yogurt place (and I went to the cupcake shop since I can't eat dairy right now).
Next to the yogurt place is a cute little area for kids to play. Charlotte LOVES it.

So does Grandpa Jackson.

As we were leaving our delicious snack shops, we passed the Main Street Toy Shop. Outside were very real looking dogs. Charlotte fell in love.

And she was able to convince her grandpa that he should buy her the dog. That smile probably made it all worth it. 

And while we looked at all of the fabulous toys, Grandpa, Grandma, Sawyer and Mimi hung out outside. 

It was a great day. We went our separate ways after this for while. We went to the store to grab food for dinner and headed home to start cooking while they all headed back to the hotel for some rest.

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