Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Jacksons Came to Visit!

So, on Sunday after a fabulous family day, we added more family to the mix! Grandma and Grandpa Jackson, Great Grandma Mimi, and Aunt Amelia ventured from Columbia (and Surfside Beach for Mimi) to Columbus to meet our sweet little guy and to see us again. It had been since the day before we had moved since we had seen them. They came to visit for a few days. They opted to stay at a hotel nearby (as near as you can get to the back woods of Georgia) so that they could all sleep in a comfy bed.

While we were finishing up our afternoon with Melissa, they got into town, got checked in and rested for a few minutes. They came over to see us a few min after we got home. Charlotte was a bit shy at she is with most people these days. Sawyer had just gotten his belly full and was ready for a nice long nap while people held him. We hadn't been told that Amelia was coming (although I KNEW she wouldn't pass up an opportunity to see my kids. She never has.) We were so surprised, excited, and happy that she joined us for those few day!!!

We all sat around and visited for awhile. Charlotte drug me outside with her to play. She wanted to show off for whoever would watch but needed me or daddy there as a buffer... she wasn't quite sure what to think yet. So we sat with her while she warmed up to everyone. 

Amelia is an amazing photographer. She has a fabulous camera with an amazing lens...and she has quite the artistic eye. I was so glad she brought her camera. Here are two shots of Charlotte playing outside with Daddy talking to Grandpa, Grandma, and Aunt Amelia. Amelia took these. LOVE THEM.

 Daddy was having Charlotte do all of her new tricks...and one of them is showing her teeth.

While they were hanging out outside, Sawyer was sound asleep in his Great Grandmother Mimi's arms. Thankfully he wasn't too fussy and just wanted to snuggle. Melissa and I sat inside and talked to Mimi for awhile. Melissa loved her. She really is fabulous. I love just hanging back and talking to her. She always has something funny to talk about. 

Alex cooked a delicious meal. He made chicken salads for everyone. I got the kids bathed and in their jammies. I had multiple things I need to get at Target so Melissa and I ran out to Target while Alex visited with his family. We took Sawyer with us in case he had a meltdown and Charlotte stayed with them. While we were gone, they all headed back to the hotel to rest up for a day of kids and babysitting Charlotte. When we were about ten minutes from the house on our way home, Alex called saying that Charlotte had been fussing for me. Usually it's the other way around :) 

Great Sunday filled with Quality Family Time and Delicious Food

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