Sunday, September 9, 2012

A Sunday By The Chattahoochee River

Since Melissa was visiting for the entire weekend, we decided to make sure Sunday was devoted to spending the day showing her everything the armpit of Georgia has going for it. After 20 minutes we were able to go home... KIDDING.

So we got up and got our day started. I made Sunday breakfast and we all got ready. We piled into the car and drove into downtown Columbus. We ate lunch at Country's BBQ in downtown. It was delicious. Meliss drank out of a Mason jar for the first time. Memorable moment :)

Then we went down to the riverwalk. I had to use the restroom really bad. Like REALLY bad. There is a rest room down by the riverwalk... right next to the homeless man that sits on the same bench in the same position and has since we moved here in May. I actually thought he was a statue until today. So, I knew the bathroom would probably be sketchy and probably be the home to some used heroin needles, HOWEVER, I really needed to go. So I made Meliss go in with me. THIS is what we found when we opened the door to the bathroom.

After I used the restroom and used hand sanitizer from my diaper bag, we headed down to walk by the river.

That, my friend, is what Alan Jackson speaks of.

Sawyer was loving our Sunday (he ate real quick like in the car right before our walk)

Charlotte was loving the "wa-wa". She could see ducks and people in kayaks trying out the new rapids they are making in the river.

Love this picture. Charlotte loves her "Liss"

Buddies for the weekend.

Charlotte was so happy that she was back with her daddy. Eleven days was a long time without him.

I have flat hair, a double chin, and other things going on here. HOWEVER, this is one of the only pics we have together. Love my cousin.

It wasn't anything crazy but we still got out of the house and went and did a few things. Having Melissa here has been awesome. We have loved every minute of it. We headed back to our house around 5 because some of the Jackson side had made it to Columbus to see us and meet Sawyer. So, we headed back to get ready for them to come over. We had had a great day so far! :)

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