Saturday, September 8, 2012

Charlotte Month Update: 19 Months Old

Date: September 8, 2012

Weight: Hopefully more than her doctor's appt

Height: Probably about the same as last month

Clothes: This crazy girl STILL wears a size 3 diaper! So funny. She loves her dresses still. She loves to play dress up with shoes and is starting to wear a purse all of the time while she is at home. She loves to play with hangers with clothes still on them and even holds them up to herself and pretends like she is seeing if they look good on her. She loves her dresses. She seems to be getting taller so we have retired a few of her 12 month dresses and are FINALLY wearing some of her 18 month dresses more. She would actually prefer to run around in a diaper most of the time so she can put her hands down the back of her diaper and scratch her butt. However, in our house you must wear clothes most of the time. I mean, we have them! They are super cute! We must wear them :)

Sleeping: Oh the sleeping of Charlotte. It just always seems to be an issue. The first month of having 2 kids to put down for sleeping and what not has proved to be a struggle. With newborns it is hard to have a set schedule and with Charlotte, sleeping has no schedule. We have had a few days where we have all sat and cried at the same time out of being overly tired. But Charlotte is rolling with the punches and going down for naps much easier than in the beginning. She usually naps around noon, give or take an hour. She will sleep about 2 hours. We try to go to bed sometime between 8 and 9:30. There are many nights that she falls asleep on the couch watching "Shrek" or "Gnomeo". One of the things that she does to help herself fall asleep is she rubs my arm... mostly my upper arm. Just rubs, and rubs, and rubs. And uses her pacifier. (Don't judge. As far as I'm concerned she can use it until she's 20 as long as she starts sleeping better.) Oh, and at night, she continues to wake up once a night. Alex will get her out of her bed and put her in bed with him at that point. Sometimes this happens at 10 pm, sometimes at 6 am. When I told the doctor about all of this, she said everything will happen in it's own time. Just give her some room for adjustment and do what we have to do to get by.

Teeth: We have 12 teeth!!! All of these crazy teeth just make our girl look so grown up and big! It's hard to imagine her gummy smile that she was rocking just 10 months ago. She finally got one of her bottom teeth in to balance her little smile out. Our next teeth to come in will be the canines (I don't remember the official name.) Now we must get really serious about this teeth brushing!!!!

Health: Our girl continues to be a healthy little princess. No sickness to report. I am always amazed that she never gets sick when we are in Illinois. She is exposed to at least 50 people every time we are back. All of those people are holding her, loving on her, kissing her, playing with her, etc. I just really am ecstatic that she has such a great immune system. Her eczema comes and goes. I have to alternate her lotion and body wash. But we keep it pretty well under control.

Talking: Charlotte loves to jibber jabber. She talks and talks and talks. She talks to her babies, the tv, to Sawyer, to the animals outside, to all over her phones. She talks. Her vocabulary continues to increase. When learning a word, she focuses on getting the amount of syllables correct first. She then starts to work on the correct sound of the word. When she finally gets a word, it is so awesome. We are going to continue to work on her words.

Eating: This girl is the donut queen!!! She wakes up in the morning yelling for donuts. "Doe-Doe" is what we all wake up hearing. She eats all day long...but she usually has one good meal where she cleans her plate. She loves her cheese, her fruit, no vegetables, noodles, turkey on a turkey sandwich, and she likes to nibble at whatever Alex is eating. She is allergic to peanut butter we think (she throws up profusely within 5 minutes if given any). So we do have to watch closely to make sure she doesn't ingest any of it.

Favorites: Charlotte loves her movies. We DVR'd them off of DirectTV so we can watch them OVER and OVER and OVER. Her obsession at this time is "Shrek Ever After", "Finding Nemo" and "Gnomeo and Juliet". She loves to watch Disney but usually would actually choose her movies over watching Disney. She loves bubbles... blowing bubbles, bubbles in the bath tub, bubbles in the sink. She loves water (no change there.) She loves her water table from Grandma and Grandpa Jackson. We use it almost every day. She continues to love balls and screams when we pass them at Target and Walmart. She loves her swimming pool and going swimming in big pools. She is obsessed with mom and dad's cat, Belle. She continues to love dogs and was able to go play with the Obery's dog, Zoe. She loves to help with Sawyer. She is right there with every diaper change, every bath, every feeding. She loves to help with her baby brother. 

Personality: Our little princess... she is a pistol!!!! She has really taken up quite a bit of an attitude. She is spitting and hitting. Alot. I mean, it's really bad. Sometimes I wonder how many time outs a girl can take in a day!!! When someone picks her up and she doesn't want to be picked up, she spits at them or hits them. She screams and screams and screams when she is mad. This age is fun. NOT. It's so hard to discipline such a "sweet" child... I mean, to have to look at her beautiful face while in timeout is heartbreaking. She has a mean streak a mile wide but she can be so sweet. She gives the best kisses and hugs. And one of my favorite things that she does is walks through the house screaming "Momma" when she can't find me. Or when she wakes up wherever she is, she sits straight up and screams "Momma". It just melts my heart. She is so good with other kids and with babies. We just need to get this temper under control. Oh, terrible twos... we see you coming!!!

The Life of Charlotte just continues on...

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