Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Last Meal Together

The night of the 11th, the Jacksons came back to our house after they had time to rest at their hotel for awhile. Alex and I cooked dinner for them. Alex did most of the cooking while I wrestled with Charlotte (who cried, yelled and screamed for the first hour we were home) and Sawyer (who also was crying, fussing, yelling the first hour we were home.)

Alex cooked out on the grill and we had a few things made in the kitchen as well. Mimi helped a ton in the kitchen when they got there so between the three of us, we were able to get dinner on the table.

A quick photoshoot in front of our big pile of dirt in the backyard.

Charlotte was tired of participating so we became a family of three.

Charlotte continued to be tired of participating...and Sawyer was as well but he has no choice :)

Finally. A pic of all four :)

Alex was so happy to have some of his family come visit. It made his week.

Playtime with Grandma Jackson

A quiet moment for Sawyer.

I normal picture :)

Mimi getting some baby snuggles in. Charlotte offering some Fruit Loops.

Rocking her newest great grandbaby.

Charlotte loves attention....and the outside. She is in heaven here.

Telling quite the story!!

So we had a delicious meal prepared mostly on the grill and Charlotte got to play outside. All in all, the evening was a home run. Sawyer was pretty fussy so I ended up wrestling with him quite a bit. He did fall asleep for awhile and the break was very welcome for me. After eating it was bath time. I gave the kiddos a bath and wrestled with Sawyer some more while everyone played with Charlotte and visited. Charlotte wouldn't let anyone else rock her or put her to bed so she stayed up until Sawyer was ready to sleep as well. Everyone left around 10 pm. They were planning to leave Columbus the next morning after breakfast for the drive back to Columbia. 

It was really great to see everyone. Huge thumbs up to Mimi for coming all of the way from Surfside Beach...and she is in her 80's. Charlotte and Sawyer loved their time with the Jackson side of the family. And it was so good for Alex to see some familiar faces :) 

Thank you for coming to see us, Ronnie, Laurie, Amelia, and Mimi. The drive was long for you but we hope it was worth it.

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