Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Sawyer's First Road Trip

On Sunday August 26, 2012, mom flew into Atlanta from Washington, D.C. and took the Grooms shuttle to the gas station down the road. Alex picked her up and I had dinner ready for them. Instead of flying straight back to Illinois, it worked out wonderfully that she could fly here and drive to Illinois with me and the kids. Charlotte was so excited to see her Gigi. Her little face as mom knocked on the front door was so hilarious. 

On Monday, we got everything ready for our 10 day trip to Illinois. I had a wedding that I was a bridesmaid in on Friday so I need to be in Illinois no later than Wednesday. We had a day of getting things accomplished, straightening up the house, packing, and resting for a long drive through the night. Charlotte and Sawyer both had doctor's appts at 3:30 pm. Sawyer had his 2 week check up and Charlotte had to get the shots they they didn't give her at her 18 month check up. There was a mix up in the shot department. She got one shot but was supposed to get 3. I was so happy to have mom there to help me. We had to wait for FOREVER in the waiting room. In fact, we didn't get in to see the doctor until 4:30. The nurse agreed to give her shots first so mom could get her out of there. I hated holding her down for the shots. She kicked, screamed and fought but the shots got in and she went to the parking lot to hang with Gigi.. Sawyer's check up went well. Dr. Harman did classify him as "colicky." I told her that is considered a bad word in our house and she should stop that :) He weighed in at 9 lbs and was 22 inches long.

After our dramatic experience at the doctor's office, we stopped and got Charlotte some ice cream and we went to tell Alex goodbye at work. It had to be a quick goodbye because we were running way behind schedule. Sawyer was sleeping so we left him in the car with mom. I took Charlotte in to give Alex a kiss and hug and we were on our way back to our house to finish getting things ready!

Even though I had planned to leave the house around 6 or 7 pm, we did not end up pulling out of the driveway until  8 pm. The doctor's visit really threw us off. Oh well!!  We got everything to fit perfectly and we had a nice little spot in the very back of the Tahoe for whoever was not driving. We gave the kids a bath, put on their jammies, and we were on our way!!!!

I started the drive. I talked to Mr. Paul from our driveway to a Chick-Fil-A on the west side of Atlanta. It wasn't the nicest one we have ever been to but I was able to grab some dinner for mom and I. 

Charlotte did not fall asleep (even though she was tired and had had her shots) on the way to Atlanta

Sawyer did, though :)

After our stop, mom took over so I could eat, feed Sawyer, and get a nap in. Charlotte finally fell asleep north of the Atlanta. I took a 30 minute nap and took over driving north of Chattanooga. It was 11:30 pm when I took over. I ended up driving until 4:30 am until we got to the Illinois border. I talked to Mr. Paul for almost 4 hours of the trip. He is absolutely hilarious!!! He is such a good friend to stay up and talk to me. I had mom take over in Paducah, KY. She then drove until Springfield, IL. Charlotte and Sawyer both woke up at about 5:30 am. Charlotte had wet through her diaper so she had to be put in different pajamas. She then was awake awake and pretty crabby.

At 7 am (Illinois time), we stopped in Springfield, IL at a McDonalds for a potty break and a snack for Charlotte. She was FINALLY allowed to get out of her seat for more than a few minutes. She was ecstatic!

She was loving playing with Gigi's phone and "drive drive" -ing the Tahoe.

Sawyer was just happy to be held again. He was so sick of being in his carseat.

I finished the drive and we ended up at mom and dad's house a little after 8 am central time. Charlotte had a few meltdowns and I got frustrated with her but mostly just because I was tired too. Being 18 months old and being confined to a carseat for over 13 hours had to be very hard. She was really great. Sawyer was amazing. He barely even cried. He was so good. 

After we got to mom and dad's house, we unloaded the car, played with the cats and we were all down for naps by around 10:30 am.

We were so glad to be in Ilinois!!

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