Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sawyer's First Day In This Crazy World

Good morning, Sawyer.

In Sawyer's first night of sleep, he did really well! In fact, I set my alarm to wake myself up every 3 hours to feed him. I had my I-pod playing in the background all night. Our nurse was fabulous and only came in if she absolutely had to. She trusted that I would take good care of him and feed him appropriately. In fact, I was able to teach her how to do something she didn't know how to do (a transcutaneous bilirubin). Sawyer had to have blood sugars drawn 8 times in his first 24 hours of life. They were all normal. He also was Coombs Positive which put him at an increased risk of getting jaundice. Since he was Coombs positive, they had to check him for jaundice frequently as well. However, he passed all of these tests with flying colors.

Flowers from Gigi and Papa

The hospital has this FABULOUS program called the Pampered Pregnancy Program. I registered for it through my OB office. It provided me with discounts, a free massage, gift certificates, etc. The day after I delivered, they brought me sparkling grape juice (with plastic flutes)...

...and a birthday cake for Sawyer!!!

Miss Lynn, the lady from the OB doctor's office that I would see twice a week for my NST, came over to visit. She called my hospital room phone (which freaked me out just bc I didn't know anyone that would be calling that phone) and said that she wanted to come see my little man (she knew what we were having bc I told her she could as the Ultrasound tech.) She came over on her lunch hour and visited. She loved on Sawyer. It was nice to feel like I had a friend in town :) 

Alex and Mary came to visit. Alex stayed and hung out while Mary went and got us all some lunch.

We had Sawyer's birth pictures taken that day. 

How sweet is he in this picture??!!?? Already obsessed the pacifier.

Wide awake and ready to roll!!

Rocking his coming home outfit after he had his pictures taken.

Aunt Bare came to hang out for the afternoon. Sawyer loves his Aunt Bare.

Gigi and Papa brought Charlotte to see Momma and her baby brother.

She was so excited to see him again. She was so nuts about him.

Gigi and Papa with their sweet grandbabies.

After a lovely visit from everyone, I sent them all on their way. I sent them to eat a good meal...and to bring me some food back. The dinner provided by the hospital that night was spaghetti and the vegetable was broccoli. NASTY. It made the entire room smell bed... mom tried to blame it on dad but it was really the broccoli. Mom, dad, Mary, Goose, and Alex all went out to dinner together while I hung out at the hospital with little guy. Alex brought me back lots of deliciousness for dinner.

We were able to hang out just the three of us and watch tv for a bit.

I sent Alex home for the night so he could get a good night of sleep. (I did that the night before as well.) There is no reason for 2 of us to be woken up multiple times during the night. Besides, it was a good time for me and the little guy to just hang out. Turns out he had some gas issues so he fussed quite a bit. He ended up snoozing in bed with me (OOPS, against the rules) but that was the only way he would be quiet and content. 

Even though he did fuss, we still had a wonderful night of snuggling and music. Life doesn't get much better...

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