Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A Day At The Park

We love when Alex has a day off. We look forward to it all week. We count down the days until we can all do something as a family...and I can have an extra set of hands, arms, and ears :) So, we make sure to PLAN for daddy's days off. We like to have things to do so we don't waste our days just laying around on the couch. 

However, laying on the couch for a few minutes here or there is good for everyone. Little guy was lifting his head and body up all on his own this morning :)

Alex isn't holding him. He just has his hands there :)

So, we got up and got ready. There were melt downs. There was time out. There was crying. There was a bit of a rocky morning for all of us. I am pretty sure that no one was speaking to each other by the time the Tahoe pulled out of the garage. However, a few fruit snacks, a pacifier, a talk, and some Diet Coke made everything better. Now, time for the park!!! The nice thing about Alex's day off being in the middle of the week is that places that are normally busy on the weekends are usually pretty empty during the week in the middle of the day. The park was pretty empty...

Charlotte's first time walking across the playground bridge. She is a very cautious child. It made her a bit nervous.

Ready to head down the slide!!!

YAY Daddy!!! I love this!

Big girl swing! :)

She really loved it. She would have swinged for days if we had let her.

While Daddy and Charlotte played and ran around, me and the sweetest little guy just hung out on a blanket in the grass. He was zonked out.

Such a perfect little face.

Well, we made a friend. We CLING to people that will give us the time of day here in Columbus. We just aren't usually in places hanging out where we can easily meet friends. However, this dad and little boy were at the park playing. The dad was real nice...and funny. He is born and raised in the area. The little boy and Charlotte played and played. It was fabulous. He was nice...and we really didn't become friends with him. It was just nice to talk to someone.

A basket full of love.

My two boys.

I love Charlotte in this picture. She looks like she is very serious about this park stuff.

Love my baby boy :)

The day ended up being great. We just needed to have some issues before we could get to the great part. We had some lunch and went home and hung out for the rest of the day. We love these days off. We have really learned to love and cherish our time together.

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