Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Charlotte Month Update: 18 Months Old

Date: August 8, 2012

Weight: 22 lb 5 oz

Height: 30 inches

She is in the 20th percentile for her height and weight both. The doctor said she is very proportional... just petite. Well, she definitely got the petite thing from the Jackson side of her genes :)

Clothing: Our sweet girl is wearing 12 month clothes. Her shoe size is size 4. FINALLY. She is finally almost to the really cute shoes that come in boxes in the shoe section of Target!!! She will soon be able to wear the size 6 Nikes that Uncle Chad got her when she was born :) Charlotte is a girly girl still. She LOVES her sparkles shoes, purses, and dresses. She even loves tutus. She also loves to wear makeup. I usually have to put eye shadow on her everyday when I put it on myself.  I do love picking out her clothes to wear everyday. Most days, since it is so hot out, we usually do a dress. She is just too adorable with them. She is actually starting to leave her bows in her hair more too.

Sleeping: Oh, the sleep war continues. Well, Charlotte DOES sleep in her bed. However, it takes forever to get her to sleep. At 9 months pregnant, I rock her for a few minutes, lay her in her bed, and then lay on the floor next to her bed. There are nights that I lay there for an hour waiting for her to fall asleep. There are also many nights that I fall asleep myself. She usually wakes up sometime between 3 and 6 and then comes to bed with us for the night. I have decided to give up the fight with the sleep. Now that we have a baby coming, there is no point in fighting the sleep. She will sleep when and where she wants. I will let you know how this theory pans out :) All I can say is it has been a long 18 months of not enough sleep and the cycle is going to start over...

Teeth: Well, Charlotte is up to 11 teeth. ELEVEN! We are getting there!! It was brutal when she had four coming in all at once. The molars were pretty brutal. However, we made it through. Her smile is a bit lopsided right now. She just got her a new one in on the bottom to the left of her front teeth on bottom. It's just crazy seeing her smile with all of these teeth! She looks so grown up. It makes my heart hurt...

Health: Charlotte has been so healthy! She has had low grade fevers off and on with the teething. We have given her motrin and then we have used orajel. They seem to help some. However, this teething is also hurting the whole sleeping situation. She is still in love with the pacifier but we are still keeping it just for sleeping and car riding purposes. The way I see it, there is no point in taking it away when we have a new little one on the way. But really, Charlotte continues to be healthy and do amazing.

Talking: Charlotte is really trying to mimic the words that we are saying. We are working on "baby" and "big sister" and we are working on getting her to count. She will count to three with us and say "duh duh duh". It's so funny. Whenever she mimics a word, she mimics the syllables but not the actual sounds. It's so cute. Once she says a word enough times, then she actually tries to make the correct sound. Instead of saying "please" she always says "more". She refuses to say "please." REFUSES. She said it a few times to Alex right when we really started working on it but refuses to say it again. Instead, you just get a "more". So funny. Her vocabulary is just continuing to expand.

Eating: Charlotte LOVES her donuts, mac N cheese, and juice. I finally got her to drink milk throughout the day. She loves her chocolate milk (which she still refers to as juice.). She loves fruit, ice cream, and popsicles. She likes to eat turkey sandwiches when I eat them but if I give them to her, then she will just tear them apart and not eat the meat and barely eat the bread. So I usually have to tear them up for her to eat them. She loves to drink water from the her swimming pool, her water table and the bath tub. She would probably drink it from the toilet if I would let her. She eats all day long but never really eats a BIG meal. And as soon as she gets into her carseat in the car, she starts yelling "NACK! NACK" I then hand her a bag of fruit snacks....which she will eat all of....then ask for another... 

Favorites: Charlotte has so many "favorites" for her toys and her activities. She loves water table and swimming pool. She still loves to be outside and anything with water is pretty much the best day of her life. She talks about "wah wah" all of the time. As we cross over bridges and overpasses, she always says "Wah wah?" Her favorite movie is Toy Story 3 which she affectionately refers to as "dah dah". She knows what is going to happen before it happens in the movie. Every morning she wakes up and sits in her little chair/couch and sits and watches it. She loves bubbles, pushing her stroller, and playing in her kitchen. She also loves to put her blocks together... but she loves just dumping out the bag of them even more. She will drag the block bag from room to room....just for fun. Whatever keeps her busy!!! And even though Max passed away a week or so ago, Max is still her favorite. She calls for him. When she hears a sound in the kitchen or somewhere in the house, she thinks it's him. She keeps asking, "Where's Max?" We just tell her that he is in Heaven and we point to Heaven. We tell her he is with Jesus.

Personality: Charlotte is still crazy! She is a lover. She can be a fighter. She still bangs her head when she doesn't get her way or when she gets in trouble. She gets put in timeout multiple times a day right now...but maybe some of that is bc I am tired, crabby, fat, pregnant, and don't have enough patience. She spits and sometimes hits when she is mad. But she is so funny. She knows all of her body parts and likes to point out them on everyone else... esp their butts and cha chas. She has a fake laugh and a real laugh. I love when she is telling me a story and she fake laughs at herself. She still loves loves loves little kids when she sees them. She is all over them and all about them. She is starting to get a bit weirded out with strangers which she used to go to just about anybody. But she is truly a joy. Everyday is an adventure with this crazy child. She is amazing.

And so the journey of the Life of Charlotte continues...

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