Saturday, December 8, 2012

Sawyer Month Update: Four Months

 Date: December 8, 2012

Weight: 12 lbs 10 oz (I think)

 Height: 25.5 inches

Clothing: Sawyer is wearing mostly 6 months clothing but does still have a few 3 months sized clothes he can fit into. He has a TON of 6 month clothes to wear so I am excited he has grown enough to wear them. His 3 month clothes are way too short... he totally looks like he is rocking capris when he has them on. He is wearing size 2 diapers still. I have a feeling that he will be in size 3 diapers pretty soon. He is still long and skinny but I could see him plumping up really quickly. I might have 2 kids in size 3 diapers before Charlotte is potty trained. He is a growing boy.... with REALLY cute clothes :)

Health:  Our little man is an eater now! We started him on Zantac in November. We gave it 2 weeks to work and he was still crying. Alot. He was miserable. You could tell when he would reflux and he scream afterwards. His eyelids and his face get really red and his eyelids remain red afterwards. After a few conversations with other reflux moms, I decided it was time to call the doctor and get his medicine changed. When I called and spoke to the nurse, she said the doctor was out of town for the remainder of the week. My only thought was "perfect". What's four more days, right??? So, they called us four days later and gave us the go ahead to pic up the prescription. I get to the pharmacy and they have a bunch of insurance questions. Annoying. So I call Alex. He takes care of it. Turns out we have to pay for the medication and then Tricare will reimburse us. I told Alex that I didn't care if they paid us back or not. I noticed a difference in Sawyer within a few days. By day #4, he was acting so very different. One pill a day dissolved into water and given via syringe is what makes our days so much better... Other than the reflux issue, our little man has been very healthy this month.
 Eating: Sawyer has been given the go ahead to start eating baby food!! Since he is consuming a truckload of rice cereal in a day's time, he doesn't have to have anymore rice. We assume we will need to add rice cereal to most of his foods just to make sure they stay down. He has been taking 4 ounces of formula mixed with rice every 3-4 hours. He gets 1/2 Tbsp of rice per ounce. The formula we are using, Similac for Spit Up, is Similac Sensitive formula with rice already added to the formula. He does still spit up on it but if he is going to spit a bunch, it usually happens after his afternoon feeding/feedings. He is the most active then.

Activity: Our little man is a mover now! Well, a side to side mover... he is a rolling machine. Somedays he won't roll at all and somedays he rolls all over the floor. He loves his tummy time when his tummy isn't too full. He loves to sit up in his Bumbo when his tummy isn't full as well. If his tummy is full or isn't feeling well, he can arch his back enough that he can fall out of the Bumbo. We don't have the Bumbo with the seat belt. However, I do not leave the room when he is in it and I always leave it on the floor. Charlotte was crazy about the Bumbo and she didn't have as bad of tummy issues so we used it way more often with her. When he is over on his tummy, he can push himself way up off of his chest. He is hilarious...and gets so proud of himself when he does it.

Sleeping: I do not have children that LOVE to sleep. I know that most babies are sleeping through the night by four months old. The doctor was not concerned. She said that he is playing catch up right now and trying to gain more weight. He takes three naps per day. Morning, afternoon, and evening. He usually gets up around 8 am and goes back down at 10, then up by 11:30, down by 2, up by 4 then down for a quick nap around 5:30 to 6:30.  He goes to bed around 9 pm and wakes up 2-3 times per night. He doesn't always want to eat a big bottle. Sometimes I give him tea for an upset belly. He gets very gassy at night and the warm tea helps move it up or down. He starts in his bed elevated on a pillow or on his belly then ends up in the middle of our bed elevated on a pillow. We will get there someday with the sleeping. Our goal is to get the pain with the reflux under control. We will worry about sleep later.

Personality: Sawyer can be the happiest little man. He loves his Momma. He doesn't have separation anxiety just yet but it is going to come...especially since he only sees me most days. He is really starting to coo and talk. He can get pretty loud...which is not a surprise. When his belly isn't bothering him, he just hangs out. He likes to observe what is going on. He is starting to reach out and try to grab for objects. He loves bright colors....especially red. He is gnawing quite a bit but it has more to do with when he refluxes. I think once he feels better, Sawyer will be laid back. I think he will be hyper but a laid back hyper... if that makes sense. Maybe "busy" would be a better way to describe it.  Regardless, he is amazing. He is so sweet. He is changing everyday and he just keeps getting more and more fun. 

He changes so much each day that it's almost hard to remember everything that has gone on. His story continues to develop...

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