Saturday, December 22, 2012

It's A Party At The Weber's House

Mom and dad have a Christmas Open House every year. There is are always a lot of people, a lot of food, a lot of alcohol, and a lot of fun. Mom and dad always have the house all decorated and they basically cram as many people as they can into the space. There are usually between 70 (when the weather is really bad) and 100 people that come. It's an open house so people can just come by whenever. It is a fabulous time!!! I haven't been able to attend it since before I moved to SC. I was so thrilled that I was able to introduce Alex to the Christmas Open House. A nice little side note to the party is that there is always a Horse's Ass award. This is presented to the drunkest, most obnoxious, most hilarious person at the party. It was started in honor of my dad's good friend Jim Garber who died of cancer back when I was in high school. We have many repeat winners with my dad being one of them :)

Charlotte and Sawyer wore their best party gear!

A few photos of my 2 favorite people.

My penguin and my rockstar

Both annoyed at this point.

The Jacksons are in the house.

Everyone wearing the outfits I picked out for them.

Do you love Alex's elbow pads????

So Joe, the cowboy, brought some cinnamon moonshine. I mean, why not drink it out of the jar...???

Right Erin????

Alex's nickname is Beethhoven. His finger strokes are as smooth as silk.

These two were two peas in a pod this night. Give them good drink and people to talk to and they were both set for the night!!

All three of us THOROUGHLY enjoyed the moonshine from Tennessee from Cowboy Joe.

So much so that we felt the need to suck the moonshine out of the cinnamon stick.

Goodbye moonshine... please do not give me a hangover.

This, my friends, is what moms do.

They switched boots. Her boots fit Alex. He does not have large feet.

Sawyer and Charlotte both fell asleep during the festivities. She fell asleep on the couch after her piano concert. He fell asleep after a feeding... but not for the night. Naturally he does not feel that a 4.5 month old should sleep through the night. So he woke up and found someone to snuggle up to. Chris got him to sleep and slept fabulously for the next few hours.

It was a great party. At 1:30 am, everyone finally decided to head out. Erin and Alex had their eyes set on the Jackass Award but I think Dad won it. He was hilarious...and a hot mess. He was his typical self. It was a great night. I got to see so many people that I hadn't seen in a long time. I got to introduce Sawyer and Charlotte to a bunch of people.

Great party, Steve!

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