Saturday, June 15, 2013

One Last Meal

We got all packed up at the hotel Saturday evening, got the car loaded, and we headed to meet Grandpa, Grandma, and family at Cracker  Barrel. We needed a good meal before we got on the road and headed home.

Charlotte sat between Daddy and Grandpa and entertained them.

Sawyer sat in a high chair by his Momma since he is such a Momma's boy.  Charlotte played the system and took Grandpa up on going for a walk instead of finishing his meal. She came back to the table with some "stolen" merchandise from the general store part of Cracker Barrel. She LOVES that store!

She even convinced Grandma Jackson to come hang out with her while she played with all of the toys.

Sawyer got VERY antsy and really just decided he didn't need to be sitting in his high chair. Alex invited Mom to come with us to Cracker Barrel (instead of making her sit at the hotel by herself :) ). So Mom took him outside. He found a friend through the window. That little boy was playing peek a boo with them. It was so cute!

Uncle Adam and Aunt Adrienne came to see us off!! Yes, they had been married less than 24 hours and they still came to hang with us. 

A few last pictures of the kids with Grandpa and Grandma.

This is about as close as you get to a good picture of little crazy boy.

Time to head out and start the very long drive...

It was so great to see everyone! We are SO VERY HAPPY that we got to be at the wedding. There is no place in this world we would have rather been.  Thank you, Adam and Adrienne, for including us in your big day. Thank you for having such a great party! Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Jackson for spending time with all of us. It was really great to see you guys and have the kids just sit and hang out with you. Thank you, Mom, for giving up your time and for travelling so far. If you wouldn't have come, this whole weekend would have either been a complete cluster, or we wouldn't have been involved.

It was so great to see so many important people in our lives. It was heart warming to see our kids with the Jackson side of the family.  It was a relief that we were able to get things figured out and we were able to be so involved. We love all of you!!! Again, congratulations, Adam and Adrienne.

Until next time South Carolina...

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