Monday, June 3, 2013

Lunch Date At Amy's

We had an AMAZING play date/ lunch date planned for the day of June 3. Living only 2 hours from some of my college best friends seems like we live so close now! (Sure beats 18 hours.) We are all so busy with jobs, kids, husbands, extended families, etc. We decided kind of last minute to have a lunch since some of us were free that day.

Amy ended up hosting us. Her house is absolutely beautiful!!! They moved in the same week we officially moved to Illinois. They have the perfect house for letting 6 kids four and under run around and play!
We all brought food to share. The kids and I got there around 10:30. It was a two hour drive and the kids were very good on the ride. They were ready to go once we got there!

Part of the party posse enjoying their lunch!

Here are all six of them...note Sawyer in the background being all clever and what not.

The man is obsessed with brooms. He can find them anywhere.

Amy has a great play room with a ton of toys!
Charlotte was being a bit bossy and not sharing in this picture. 
Grayden is SO good with the kids. He is the big brother to all of them. I love that he is trying to play with Sawyer here.

This kid kills me. Tammy's little "Ladies Man". He came in with a shark hat on and ready to go.
Nicholas was having a blast with all of the kids!

After the kids ate, Matthew, Amy's little man, went down for a nap. The other 5 kids ran around like crazy people.

They had a wrestling session in the living room! Nicholas and Charlotte were crazy with each other. Nicholas was sweating by the end of it!

Charlotte would leave the wrestling rink for a quick drink and some snacks. She would sneak up to the table and just help herself.

Matthew woke up and played for awhile with everyone  before we all had to leave.

We decided to try to get all of our kids together for a picture which is always a circus.

And here is one...without Nicholas.
How classic is THIS picture??? 

Here is two... without Matthew....

And here is one with everyone.
Totally frameable.

These two are a hot mess.

How cute is this picture?????

After we got our pictures taken, Ashley had to get her two kiddos home. 

We got a few more moments in before we had to leave... and Nicholas threw up on Matthew's chair :) Seriously the funniest moment of the day!!!

And we can't forget Charlie. Charlie was there. This dog is amazing. So sweet and hilarious!

We loaded up into the car and headed back home. The kids slept the entire way. We had such a great day with our friends. We can't wait until the next play date!!!

Thank you Amy for opening your house to us for a few hours. It's the perfect place for them to run free and wild!!!

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