Sunday, June 2, 2013

A Few Pics Around The House

I have a few random pictures of my sweet little babes. They are growing like weeds. They keep me on my toes each and every day. We seem to keep busy doing who knows what. Some days I feel like the time just flies and at the end of the day, I have no idea how 13 hours passed so quickly. Sometimes I have no idea what we even did the entire time. 

They love riding the four wheeler together in the yard. Charlotte is such a good big sister. She asks him if he wants to ride with her. They are so cute.

Our yard and the neighbor's yard

We are so toothy lately!!!

He is shocked that he has gotten more teeth!!

We took all of these tooth pictures on the same day. Clearly.

He got three teeth in ONE week!!!

Although we know this most likely will not last, he DID sleep through the night at least one night. :)

Maybe some day we won't need to make a sign for things like sleeping through the night bc maybe some day it will be a given :)

They love this four wheeler!

He can't figure out how to push the button and ride it at the same time. So he pushes it.

This girl is so crazy. Here is a glimpse of our street. It's short. It has a lame name. 

They are obsessed with rocks. They would play in the street all day every day.

We do love our little life. I love these crazies to the moon and back. We have our challenging days but we have so many fabulous moments and days too.

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