Thursday, June 21, 2012

Oh 30, You Came So Fast!

You know, I never really thought I would turn 30. I remember when my mom had Mary at the age of 29 and I remember thinking she was having her last baby at such an "old age" (sorry mom.) I remember the countless times that I heard people were turning 30 and thinking to myself, "Man, I didn't know they were THAT old." And I remember dating a guy who was 31 or 32 back when I was in my mid-twenties. I called him "Grandpa" and I told him that when we walked into restaurants people probably thought that I was a nice girl just having dinner with her dad. But on June 21, 2012 shorty after 11 pm, I turned 30. Being pregnant stopped me from doing anything nuts for my 30th birthday. Normally I would have planned some sort of something with friends, gotten extremely drunk, talked all night about how old I felt, probably done something embarrassing, and came home and threw up at some point. I would have probably still planned a childlike activity like going to Six Flags or a water park to remind me that I am young (in my "mom" swimming suits). But that is not at all what my birthday was like. 

I woke up and was thrilled to know my sister was here and would be spending the day with me and Charlotte. We got ready and Charlotte and Aunt Bare made a surprise for me.

Charlotte was so proud of her pretty card she made for me.

We then went into downtown Columbus and ate at Momma Greenburg's Deli. It was pretty good and made me feel like I was finally getting to know my city.

We live "way down yonder" by the Chattahoochee River :) That, my friend, is the "Hooch" in all it's glory.

Birthday Kisses.

A pretty little snippet of downtown Columbus

How sweet is that little face???

She loves the camera.

Aunt Bare was so excited to see the Chattahoochee River and be able to spit across to Alabama.

Oh so pregnant... Pregnant on my 30th birthday. Who knew this would be the case?

After exploring downtown Columbus (and sweating our you know whats off) we went to see Alex at work...and take him lunch. We finally got a family photo...these are few and far between. And, in case you forgot his name, it's on his name tag.

To celebrate momma's birthday, Goose got a balloon.

And that balloon provides more entertainment that anything else in daddy's office. Love this picture!

Even though Charlotte ate half of my sandwich at lunch, had a cookie and multiple snacks, she still had to eat part of daddy's lunch.

After eating his lunch, Alex surprised me with a birthday cake! So sweet!!! I had actually told myself that I wouldn't be getting any sort of a birthday cake. It brought tears to my eyes.

Charlotte was too distracted to worry about a picture.

The cake was a bit solid... and broke the "expensive/quality" knife Publix sent with it.

Charlotte was a HUGE fan of the cake. She went nuts with it. She dug in like no other.

Now, it's a party!

After that, we went for me to get a pedicure while Charlotte napped in the car. However, my little friends working at the nail salon were a bit busy. I got in there, they put me in the chair to wait for someone and I ended up having to wait 20 minutes. In that 20 minutes, not a single person spoke to me, said they'd be right with me, nothing. So, I got up and left. I didn't want to spend my birthday just sitting in a nail salon. So instead, we went to Hobby Lobby to grab a "C" for Charlotte's room.

What better way to spend the rest of my birthday than in my backyard in a my huge swimming pool with my sister and crazy kid.... wearing a bikini. I figured, you know what, I only turn 30 once. I need to do something I would do on another day. So, I wore a "string" bikini... 8 months pregnant. Jealous???

The ironic part to the bikini thing is I have never seen anyone while I have been in my backyard. We have our mountain of Georgia clay with two houses sitting on top of it on either side of us. However, both of those houses have yard facing us and the yard has 6 ft fences so we can't see into their yard...and they can't see into ours... I thought I was safe. Naturally the day I decide to be funny and wear a bikini, the family next door is swimming in their above ground pool and everytime they get in and out of the pool they look over the fence at me. Mary wanted to burn down their house but I told her not to.

We ate dinner and had ourselves a lovely night. I made pepperoni bread (it was delicious). We finished the night by watching Bridesmaids. It was glorious. One of my all time favorite movies. 

Thank you to my sister, my fetus, my child, and my husband for a fantastic birthday. It was perfection. I didn't get crazy and I couldn't sky dive or climb Mt Everest, but I got to spend the day with some of my favorite-ist people in the entire world. I got to spend it with my favorite furry kid. And I got to talk to so many amazing people on the phone. I may live in a town where I don't know anyone and I may live out in the boonies with poor cell phone reception, but I still felt loved.

Thanks for making my birthday special, peeps. :) However, next year, I'm going balls to the wall... Get ready.

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