Sunday, June 24, 2012

Nashville Shores Water Park

On Sunday June 24, 2012, we woke up at our little hotel (didn't feel any bedbugs this night) and we went for breakfast. I wanted one place but Alex wanted Shoney's breakfast buffet so since the weekend was all about me up until this point, I gave him that :) Luckily kids Charlotte's age eat free bc it wouldn't have been worth it to pay for the 3 powdered donuts and 4 grapes she ate.

Alex was in his glory. I mean, they don't cook turkey bacon. They only cook the REAL stuff :)

Charlotte was ALLLL about the powdered donuts :)

Then we got the hotel room packed up, loaded the car, and then drove to the water park. Our sweet girl fell asleep on the way to the water park. We were so glad she got her morning nap in before a fun filled few hours at the water park. But when we woke her up, she was in a great mood and ready to go!! 

We stopped and got a water camera so we didn't chance losing or ruining ours.

How cute is this picture???!??!??

Charlotte was a maniac...and had no fear. 

She loved being free to walk around in a big pool and she would try so hard to make friends.

We had SUCH a healthy lunch... a large pickle, french fries, and a big ice cream cone.

Love my sweet girl.

She's so independent she can walk around on her own...or at least she thinks she can.

Her and daddy had a lot of bonding time in the water while momma watched.

The quality of this film is outstanding :) 

Happy we got to have fun at the water park even though none of us went on the big slides or anything.

Time to head back to Georgia.

It was a great few hours at the water park. I have to admit when we pulled up and saw the people walking in I was thinking, "Ummmmm I don't want to share water with these types of people. This is probably their yearly shower." I mean, there was a bunch of grunginess going on.  However, I knew Charlotte would have fun so I wanted to make the best of it. We actually only had to pay for Alex to get in and even for him we got the military discount. So instead of paying $66 we ended up paying $26. It was fabulous! We were there from 11:30 to 3:00 pm. Charlotte decided she had had enough and wouldn't go in the water anymore. She kept trying to make friends with all of the kids. It was so sweet. 

After the water park, we all loaded up and headed back to Georgia. It was a good trip back. It took us right at 6 hours. Charlotte slept for 2 of them and talked the rest of them... We were so glad to be home and get to see Max. I was so happy to get to a bed without bugs in it :) 

Thanks, Alex for an amazing weekend!!! I love you and our kids and our life.

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