Saturday, June 9, 2012

Hanging at the Hilton with the Hicks (Lots of "H's")

Being that we had a toddler and an 8.5 month old that's mobile, we spent quite a few hours in the hotel room while we stayed in Atlanta June 7-9. It's much easier to be able to let them run and around in a safe place than make them mad all confined in strollers and what not all day long. To start off the morning, this is how our floor of our room looked within 15 minutes of waking up. Perfect.

Charlotte doesn't like for Ella to be in her cage by herself. She prefers to get in there with her.

The view from our room. Charlotte would stand in Ella packNplay and look at the pool across the street and scream "wah-wah".

Two of a kind. Charlotte loves "Ey-ya"

After we went to the aquarium, we got back to the hotel just as the maid was STARTING to clean our room. Perfect. The girls had been in their strollers or carseats for the past 5 hours, sure, we don't mind waiting another 30 minutes. 

After we finally got into our room, we got all prepared and went to the pool! The girls were ready for a nice cool swim... although, it was REALLY cool. So, we hung out on the steps most of the time.

We bought Charlotte a new float. It was a bit too big. Nice, right?

The big hit at the pool was Kate's margarita flavored Crystal Lite in her new Coke cup. The girls were literally fighting over it.

Charlotte was CHUGGING IT. Made me proud :)

I love that Ella is like, "Give me this." And Charlotte is looking at Kate like, "Um, she's taking this from me."

Again, Charlotte is telling on Ella. Look how crazy she looks in her HUGE floaty.

After swimming, we went for a treat at the mall across the street then it was back to the room for the remainder of the day. It was time to relax in our relaxing clothes... AKA onesies :)

And this is our hotel room.

We stayed in and ordered dinner in that night. We got New York style pizza which was DELICIOUS. We watched TV and hung out. It was perfect..relaxing...and made me feel like really old :) Oh the lives us mommas lead now. Both babies were asleep by 7:45 pm.

We were up early in the morning on Saturday June 9. We got all packed up and went for a delicious breakfast buffet. Charlotte was very tired and acting like she didn't feel well. She was very fussy at breakfast so she didn't make all that many friends. Afterwards, Kate ran down and loaded part of her car while I played with the kiddos.

Charlotte, all packed up and ready for her morning nap in the car.

They wanted to start a band. They were discussing the name of it here.

Ella can multitask. She's the jack of all trades.

Sweet Ella Grace Hicks. Such a perfect little girl.

Charlotte loved rolling around on the ground and Ella climbing on her. It was so cute. In fact, at one point, Charlotte walked over to Ella and sat on her lap. I wish I had a picture of it. It was so funny! Ella didn't know what to do.

Sweet friends. Basically family :)

It was so sad to say goodbye to Auntie Kate and Ella. We don't quite know when we will see them again but hopefully not too long. We loved our girl time with them. We love you, Auntie Kate and Ella! Thanks for meeting us in Atlanta! Safe travels back to California :)

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