Thursday, June 7, 2012

Girl's Trip to Atlanta - Hello Auntie Kate and Ella!!

On Thursday June 7, 2012, Charlotte and I went to Atlanta to spend a few days with our wonderful friends Kate and Ella. Kate and Ella were back in SC for a month visiting family and friends. They had to come back to say goodbye to Drew's Nana who had passed away in May. They decided to stay for a month since they hadn't been back in SC since they moved to California in January. Kate had the great idea that we drive to Atlanta...which is right between Greenville and Columbus...and offers PLENTY of fabulous things to do.

Charlotte and I were all about taking a girls' trip. It had been a stressful few weeks with packing and unpacking. Alex was spending quite a bit of time at work so we knew he wouldn't miss us too much anyway.

We left our house in Fortson around 1:30 and got to downtown Atlanta to the Hilton right at 3:00 pm. Ella and Kate were already there. Being that I drive a massive bus, I had to have it valet parked. (That's always such an awkward situation for me.) After getting everything unloaded and the girls played for awhile, we decided to go to an early dinner so everyone could get to bed ontime. So we venture a few blocks away to the Hard Rock Cafe. They weren't too busy so all of the waiters and waitresses kept hanging out at our table seeing what Ella and Charlotte were doing. 

How could you not want to hang out with this sweet face??? She ate her weight in mac n cheese. :) Such a great little eater!

Charlotte was a bit more picky w her food and she was in a mood. It had been a long few weeks and she was acting out a bit. But she still is cute.

We ALMOST went to Hooters for dinner but we decided on Hard Rock Cafe. Since the Hicks family is very into Hooters, Kate and Ella needed to have their picture taken in front of it... naturally.

We looked like a little Chicco train wherever we went :) The baby train... and then you have me all pregnant and what not pushing a toddler. I loved people's comments.

Charlotte is so good when she is being stimulated. Look at her thinking face...she was watching the cars zoom by in the downtown traffic.

After dinner, we took the girls back to the Hilton and let them play with their 1,000,000 toys we brought. They love being together and playing. Then it was bedtime for two very sleepy girls. Charlotte got to sleep in bed with me...which you KNOW you loved. Kate and I watched random tv shows and ordered a snack later on. It smelled SO delicious but thanks to pregnancy and my intolerance to vegetables, I was feeling so sick that I could barely move. Why I continue to try to order salads with this pregnancy is beyond me. I mean, when will I learn??? 

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