Sunday, June 3, 2012

A New Backyard

You know, when you move, you don't really think of ALL of the things that you will miss or all of the things that will seem so different. At least for me, I didn't think of certain things. I mean, I knew I was leaving an absolutely gorgeous yard. However, I didn't know that we'd have a mountain of red Georgia clay in our backyard with random plants planted on it (I'm guessing so there isn't a mudslide into our home if there is heavy rain?????). I didn't think about needing to have a fence so my child doesn't drift off into the wilderness.  So after moving into the new house, I was in no rush to let Charlotte know that we had a yard here too. Once Alex had a day off, I decided it would be ok to venture outside...

On June 3, Alex only  had to work in the afternoon so we decided it was time to go outside. He broke out the water table. Check out our large mountain. Charlotte tried to climb it...naturally.

It's like they knew I was sad about leaving our 7 palms in our yard in Charleston. So they gave us a fake on. Perfection at it's best. Bless their little hearts.

Naturally on our first day in our new backyard, Alex had to break out the massive jungle gym that Grandma and Grandpa Jackson got Charlotte. I kept looking at the clock wondering if there was enough time for such a project :) However, he got it put together... and I made him test it out, sit on it, jump on it, etc before Charlotte was allowed near it. There will be a final picture of it in a later post. Check out how Charlotte is standing. Somedays she couldn't get more like me.

And we can't forget Max. He's still getting used to his new place. For now he is an inside only kitty. He feels like a caged tiger. If only he knew how cake his life is... 

So many June adventures to catch up on in this blog... Keep reading for more about crazy lives... (there is sarcasm in that sentence.)

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