Friday, June 8, 2012

16 Month Update

Date: June 8, 2012

Weight: Unknown :) Probably more than last month!

Height: I feel like she has hit a bit of a growth spurt but we shall see...

Clothing: Princess Charlotte still wears her same size clothing that she's worn for months. Some 12 month stuff is a bit too big however we still wear it. We have had to put away all of her 9 month sleepers with footies bc they are too short. It's nice that she has worn pretty much the same size of clothing for so long bc we are definitely getting our use out of those clothes.

Sleeping: Oh, sleeping is a problem these days. Charlotte HATES her new room. HATES her crib being in a new house. She would wake up once a night while we were in Illinois. When we got back to SC, she would wake up once a night as well. However, I did not let her cry it out since life had been so crazy lately. Then we move to Georgia. We kept trying to put her down to bed and she would scream bloody murder and CLING to me. So we decided to set up the PackNPlay in our room. There were nights it took HOURS to get her to sleep. As of her turning 16 months, she's going to sleep much easier as she uses her PackNPLay in our room. Now that her new bed is in and put together, things will change and she will get to be in her big girl bed :) Stay tuned!

Teeth: Charlotte continues to be trucking along with just six teeth. I keep hoping that when she's crabby or not herself that it means that she is finally teething and getting more teeth. For selfish reasons, I would like for her to get a few more teeth before the baby gets here...otherwise, sleepless nights, here I come. But for now, four teeth on top, two teeth on bottom. Lack of teeth does NOT stop her from eating anything.

Health: Charlotte has been extremely healthy this past month. She did really well after she got her shots and didn't run a fever or anything. Her eczema has been acting up off and on but nothing major. With all of the changes and stress and in life, that is only expected. She had a couple more diaper rashes here and there but those all cleared up ok. Other than those things, she's been fabulous. Although, something interesting about her is that if she drinks too much, she still refluxes/spits up. (I prefer not to call it vomit. I feel like it's more of a wet burp.) But it's just ironic that she still can not have a ton to drink. Even at 12 months old, she could not handle an 8 oz bottle without spitting up. Just a fun little factoid here.

Talking: Our crazy girl is pretty good about trying to sound words out and trying to mimic what we say. It's funny that there are some words that sound the same but aren't the same. She says "BOO" with different influctuations. But that word means BOOK, BOO! (like peek-a-boo), and BOOM (like when she falls down.) We have worked on her learning to say more ("MOW") for so long and now we want her to say "please", however, she doesn't feel like it. Her words are endless and it's funny how she tries new words everyday. She is learning how to say animal noises. This is hilarious. The funniest animal noise that she says is the monkey. It's more of a scream but it's hilarious. She's great at pointing out "wah-wah" and "tucks" while we are driving. (water and trucks.) And everytime we go over a bridge, whether its an overpass or a bridge, she thinks she is going to see water. So smart :) Love this kiddo.

Favorites: Charlotte has so many favorite things. Everything from momma's phone, to the remote control, to hangers. She continues to love books. She loves to spend her time running like a crazy lady through the house. She's really into playing with our shoes and she likes to wear her own shoes at all times of the day. Anywhere that there is water, she wants to be.  When I start the washing machine, she wants to be lifted up to see the water coming into the machine. She is obsessed with the computer. She associates it with "Papa" and other family members like "Bare", Aunt Kathy, Aunt Meem, Gigi, and Great Grandma. She knows when the Skype is ringing and she starts screaming "PAPA!" She continues to love Max with all of her heart...and she's actually only tried to go through the cat door one time since we've moved in. She also got stuck when she tried and I think that it scared her.  I love seeing her grow into a little girl. She's starting to turn girly on me and starting to play dress up. I love it!! (And I'm not even forcing the girli-ness on her.) She changes all of the time but she is just amazing.

Personality: Charlotte continues to experiment with her temper tantrums. She continues to bang her head on things when she's mad... whether it's the couch, the ceramic tile, a table, Max, anything. When she gets told "no", gets yelled at, anything other than perfection, she usually hits herself in the head and then bangs her head on something. She used to pull her hair out so I am just thankful she is leaving her hair alone. We have started using "TIME OUT" as a punishment. It's really been working. She will actually sit there until she is told to get up. She continues to be a momma's girl at night... esp when it's bedtime. However, she is a daddy's girl as much as possible. She has been getting used to having him around again. She cries somedays when goes to work, part of me thinks she is worried he might not come back. She talks all day long. She is learning to play by herself more. However, if I am doing anything, whether it's cleaning, typing, talking on the phone, cooking, unpacking, she wants to be involved :) Most of the time I try to use it as a learning experience.

Charlotte is amazing. Month 15-16 was a huge month for her. She want from living with Gigi and Papa, back to SC, saying goodbye to her SC family, and moving 6 hours from her only home she has ever had.  It's been eventful. She's growing up so fast. I can't imagine life being any other way...

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