Friday, April 13, 2012

Charlotte's First Trip to the Zoo

It was so great to still have the afternoon to hang out together so Alex and I took Charlotte to the Greenville Zoo. It was kind of a sad little zoo but she could have cared less. We knew she'd just love the animals. So we went to the zoo. 

Ironically the first animal we saw with the "eye-ya-ya"... the elephant. She LOVED the elephant!!!
 Seeing her first real life elephant. It was love at first sight.

 She couldn't stop staring. It was so cute.

 She wasn't quite sure what to think about the lion statue especially after....

 ...she fell off. BOOM. A few tears were shed on that one. At least I got a pic mid fall!

 "Everyone jump in! Let's go on the safari!"

 Another favorite for Charlotte was the giraffe. They were out and about the entire time and just kept moving all over.

 Such a pretty creature.

 Charlotte kept waiving to the giraffe hoping he'd notice her.

 As soon as we got to the lion, he just sat down in front of the window and wouldn't move. He was so cool and huge but he wouldn't move. Then this huge group of dirty little kids came up and were pushing Charlotte out of the way. I can't stand random kids. They annoy me.

 Her little hand is so small compared to the monkey thingy's

 Her favorite part of the day.... SNACK TIME!!!!

 Charlotte got to have a slushy...a purple one. She LOVED it. Lots of sugar! She got so hyper after a few bites.

 This fancy little couple were on the same track as we were at the zoo. They are "cat people". They kept talking about their cats. And they kept saying everything loud enough for us to hear. They were so strange. Then they had to pause and have a snuggle session in the park.

 Another statue... this time Daddy stayed with her.

 She was loving the turtle and the alligator. She was telling me all about the "wah-wah."

 Charlotte and momma and the flamingos in the background.

 I look ginorm in this pic BUT it's ANOTHER family pic!!! So many in one day!

The petting zoo portion of the zoo... 

...and Charlotte was LOVING the goats!! 

So was I! Check this one out... with the mouth open. 

This one reminds me of my sisters and I. I'm the middle one. They are waiting for their food...the best part of their day. 

 I have no idea what she's telling us in this picture :)

 After the zoo, we headed to Spartanburg to meet mom and dad. They were headed to Charleston anyway that day to help me get ready for our next Open House and to take me and the kids back to Illinois with them. So we timed it with them so we could all meet up for dinner. We met up at Longhorn Steakhouse in Spartanburg. It was a good dinner. It was delicious. Charlotte ended up throwing up all over me during it. 

One last Jackson family picture for awhile... 

Bye Bye Baby :(

We went our separate ways. Alex went back to Greenville, Charlotte rode with mom and dad to Charleston, and I drove by myself and stopped to get some moving boxes from Alex's brother. It was a great 24 hours. We miss all of our time with him :(

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