Friday, April 13, 2012

A Quick Visit with Alex - Downtown Greenville

So we decided to make a last minute trip to Greenville to see Alex. He had drill April 14 and 15th so he wanted Charlotte and I to drive up to Greenville and meet him the evening of the 12th. Since Charlotte had been sick and my blood pressure had spiked, we were a bit iffy about making the drive. However, I knew that we wouldn't see him for at least a month so I knew we needed to go. We couldn't leave until the afternoon of the 12th bc I had to hand in my urine and get labs drawn in the afternoon. So Charlotte hung out with her bff's Parker and Gavin while I ran and took care of things. When I got back to pick her up, I was feeding her part of a cheeseburger when she threw up a TON of mucous/drainage. TONS. Niki is an amazing friend. She helped me clean up me, Charlotte, her kitchen floor, her kitchen table, etc. SO GROSS. My poor baby was feeling TERRIBLE. However, we moved onward and upward. She got all of her medicine including some Benadryl and she went "night night" as soon as we got in the car. She slept for over 2 hours on the way there.

We got to Greenville after 5. Charlotte and I checked into the room in downtown then we went on a walk. We were bombarded by protesters at one point and then some kind of creepy middle aged guy at another. The middle aged guy came and sat near us as we were sitting by a fountain listening to music. He asks, "May I talk to your daughter?" I was like, "Ummm, yeah, that's fine." I mean, what was she going to say back??? So weird. After that I got out of there. Alex got to the hotel around 8 so he was able to play with Charlotte a bit before she fell asleep. SHE LOVES HER DADDY. She was so happy to see him. "Da Da" is what she kept yelling when we were sitting in the lobby waiting for him to pull up. Once he got there, we went upstairs and played and read books and talked and laughed. He and I ordered pizza and Charlotte fell asleep on his lap while we ate. It was a perfect night. We were asleep by 10:30.

The next morning we were up with the sun :) Kidding... Charlotte woke up around 3 am with a 102.3 temp. We gave her some medicine and we went back to sleep. When we got up for good, we ate the continental breakfast then headed out for a walk on the town. Falls Park is a big attraction in downtown Greenville. It's a man made park with a waterfall and a suspended bridge over all of it. It's beautiful. So we walked down to see it.

 Our first family picture in MONTHS.

She was so happy to have someone carry her ALLLLL around. 

It was a pretty day. 

 This child could be named Mother Earth. She loves nature and outside and anything having to do with animals. She was so happy to be able to run free and be outside alll day.

 A bit of a posed picture.

 I'm sure there was a sign somewhere that said, "Do not chase the ducks" but we didn't see it. So we just let her go crazy. We saw one duck being attacked and chased by a bunch of other ducks. I felt so bad for him. I guess bullying even happens between ducks. Things like that make my heart hurt. I know, I'm lame.

 Yep. I can't believe it either. A picture of me and my child. Yes. Someone took one for us. I know, weird, right????? :)

 Falls Park. 

 Even though Charlotte appears to be a bit drunk, I actually like this picture of me. And, no, you aren't just seeing things. This really is ANOTHER picture of me with my child. WEIRD. Love this baby girl.

 The Jackson family... you can even see #2 peaking out there :)

After we walked ALL over Falls Park, we made our way back toward the hotel. We stopped and ate lunch outside at "Trio" (we went on a date there right around the time we got pregnant with Charlotte...just a little FYI). Charlotte fell asleep (after fighting it for a bit). We were actually able to both eat at the same time. CRAZY. We then walked back to the hotel and got all of our luggage loaded up and made our way to our next stop.... THE ZOO.

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