Sunday, April 29, 2012


On Sunday, April 29, 2012, we woke up at Grandma Ann's house and were ready to spend the day hanging out with family and eating food :) Charlotte and I ended up taking a nap from 9 ish to 11 ish so by the time we woke up from our nap, a few people were already there.

Immediately after waking up, Charlotte is always starving. So, she sat on the counter and talked to Didi (which she can say) and ate Golden Oreos.

Charlotte loves feeling like one of the older girls. She felt so cool sitting up on Grandma's counter in the kitchen and hanging with Katie, Didi, and Grandma.

We were happy to see Cousin Ryan and Baby Wayne again.

Poor, poor Aunt Kat is alll laid up from falling. Stupid step :( Charlotte loves her Aunt Kathy...and the food she has on her plate.

My pretty baby.

How cute is her new outfit??? Mom found it at Kohls last week.

Auntie K with 2 out of 3 of her favorite babies. Charlotte loves Baby Wayne and despite the expression on his face, he loves her too.

Grandma had so much delicious food... I should have taken a picture... everything from homemade chicken n noodles to pork loin to mashed potatoes to jello to a roast and much much more...

Cousin Eric made Charlotte a fort... she wasn't quite sure what to think of it.

When Chase walked in, he was standing in the shadows a bit but Charlotte looked over at him and said, "Dada"... which is funny bc Grandma has always said that Chase and Alex resemble each other.  She went right to him and kept smiling at him... however, when we saw him the next day, she didn't call him "Dada" again. She did keep smiling at him though.

Melia and Kyla showered up for the rest of the afternoon. Kyla wasn't feeling well...she had an ear infection. Check out Charlotte's ponytail :)

So when my cousin Jake showed up, Charlotte smiled like this from the time he came in, until he left. How cute is this??? She LOVED JAKE!

She literally was flirting with him the whole time.

If Jake would leave the room, she would leave the room and try to find him. I felt kind of bad for him bc she was being so clingy but it was so adorable that I didn't try to stop it.

Check out that smile :) She was so happy.

The three grandchildren with the 3 great grandchildren. This was the best one out of like 50.

Soon there will be four!!!1

Charlotte loves her Great Grandma Ann. She literally just babbles and babbles and babbles to Grandma the entire time she is around her. It cracks me up.

Great Grandma with her 3 Great Grandchildren... someone has a better one that this but I don't know who.

Uncle Stinky and Charlotte playing with hair bows... naturally.

Charlotte loved playing Kyla... I wish I had gotten a picture of it. Here she is saying goodbye to Kyla her sweet baby cousin.

It was a great day at Grandma's... despite the rain. It went way too fast and it was so very great to see everyone. Charlotte loved the attention...and Jake. Oh, how she loved Jake. He had to slide out through the garage without her seeing him. She did look for him but we distracted her. For dinner, Uncle Darrin, Aunt Kat, Grandma and I had Diary Queen ice cream. SOOOO delicious. 

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