Friday, October 28, 2011

World Series Champions!!

So the Cardinals won the World Series again :) It's so hard to keep track of the Cardinals during their season down here. For the most part, I can't watch them play anything other than the post season. So, if they don't make it to the post season, I get nothing :)

So you can imagine my delight when I heard they were in the post season. I actually watched most of the post season games. I've been a Cards fan since I entered this world 29 years ago and I am converting my hubby to a Cards fan.

During the last 2 World Series games we had visitors at our house. My friend, Kate, and her 4 wk old baby girl Ella Grace were visiting. Ella got to experience her first World Series. As you can see, she was overcome with joy...

She definitly was loving being held by Uncle Alex. It had been a long day, though, and she was tuckered O-U-T.

My little Partner in Crime decided to wake up for the last 3 outs of Game 7 of the World Series. She was deeeeep in thought here.

Too bad I hadn't put her to bed in her STL gear. These pictures stink bc they are from my phone and we had all of the lights off in the room. You get the idea though.

Cardinals win. Charlotte experienced her first World Series. She's thrilled. Can you tell??

We had had sickness rolling through our house this particular week. I was sick Monday. I started to feel ill on the plane on the way home from IL and was sick all night and all of the next day. Alex was sick all day Thursday. Kate got sick Thursday night through Friday afternoon. It was brutal.

However, we were all in good spirits when the World Series was playing.

Way to go STL!! You are amazing.

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