Saturday, October 8, 2011

8 Months Old... Time is flying by :(

My beautiful baby girl is 8 months old!!!!

My beautiful, talented, awesome friend/mom Ashley gives updates on her kiddos on her blog and I absolutely love how she does it :) She includes all of that stats and stuff. LOVE IT. So, I shall do the same so everyone knows how she is doing!! Love it. Thanks, Ash!!

Date: October 8, 2011
Weight: 15 lbs 15 oz
(She was weighed at the doc when she was 7.5 months old)
Height: Taller than the couch
Teeth: None but her gums are really hard.
Clothing size: 3-6 months/6 months clothes
(I've been making her wear her 6-9 months clothes bc they aren't appropriate for winter. They've been a bit big but they get the job done. They are super cute and I don't want them to go to waste :) )
Naps:She is finally taking a morning nap and an afternoon nap. 
I love the days when I get at least an hour for each nap... Alot of days they are only 30 minutes and occasionally they are 2 hours. 
Sleeping: She is not sleeping through the night anymore
which I believe is associated with "tummy" issues. We are working on it. She is in bed every night by 8 pm and is up for the day usually around 8 am... but there are a few wake ups and 1-2 feedings in there.
Health: Well, she has had reflux since 2 wks old but she is off of her meds. She still spits frequently and I can tell that she still refluxes but it's nowhere near what it used to be. We have to make sure not to overfeed her though... very sensitive tummy. She has eczema all over her body. We don't get to use the baby smelling lotions, soaps, shampoos, etc. We use grown up stuff for senstive skin and she has oatmeal baths... poor thing. She takes it all in stride though. We just feel so bad for her and all of the itching that she has with it.

Eating: Charlotte loves her some food.
I'm surprised she has been able to keep such a slim figure :) She loves loves breakfast, lunch and dinner. She has cereal and fruit in the morning, vegetables for lunch, and fruit and cereal for dinner. The veggies cause crazy gas so we are not eating them for dinner before bed :) She still nurses multiple times a day and usually has 1-2 bottles of formula per day. She loves the sippy cup and is even starting to play with some of the little fingery foods like yogurt melts and stuff. She is still having reflux issues but what are you gonna do...
Activities: She's an active little booger.
Charlotte loves to jump, jump, jump in her jumpers. She started going from lying to sitting, pulling herself up in her crib constantly, and CRAWLING!! She's doing the army crawl but she's getting where she wants to go. The last few days she started crawling up on her knees more. She loves Max's cat toys and Max. She loves the books that have the noise buttons, loves playing with her wipes, and is still a huge fan of the outside.
Friends:  Charlotte loves to be around other kids.
She makes this crazy sound "Ah ah ah ah" noise. Hilarious. She goes crazy when she sees any kids. She even has dates with some "boy" friends. She is not a fan of most adults which makes getting babysitters difficult. She's going through her mommy and daddy phase and pretty much does not like anyone else. I guess there will be a day when I wish she actually liked me, you know??? Oh the seperation anxiety that she has...  

Charlotte keeps us on our toes. She has those beautiful big blue eyes with a huge sparkling personality to match. She is definitely spirited. When she wants something, she wants it. She is becoming quite the little adventurer. She is not a "chill" child although she does go with the flow alright. We can imagine have a child that sits quietly and plays. Quiet isn't really in her vocab. Oh, and she started saying "Mama" and "Dada". The sweetest words I have ever heard...

I'm going to get this blog spruced up with some help from Ash. But keep checking in. I'm going to update everyone on our happy life :)

1 comment:

  1. Emers has seperation issues too! Miss c is so cute & her personally totally shine thru in her pics. Thanks for the update!
