Sunday, October 16, 2011

One Last Beach Day Before Winter

It's funny how I used to dread Sundays as a kid. I actually strongly disliked Sundays as a child. Every Sunday evening I would get the weird, sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Turns out my sisters did as well so I don't feel like such a weirdo.

But now I love Sundays. Sunday Funday. I love any day that my handsome husband doesn't have to work. We spend his days off together, not seperately enjoying life, but together. I guess that's one thing his crazy schedule has taught us, enjoy and cherish the small amount of time that you do get to see each other. We make the most of our Sundays. We try to go to church, go out to lunch, and be productive.

A few Sundays ago, the weather was GORGEOUS so we decided to venture out to one of our favorite spots, Sullivan's Island :) We started the morning by going to church. We actually dropped Charlotte off and let her play with the little babies in the nursery. They said she did amazing. I kept looking at the screen thinking her number was going to pop up there and tell me to come get her. But she was a grown up and did awesome. We then went to lunch at one of our favorite BBQ places.

One of my other favorite things about Sundays is the NFL. Even if I'm just cleaning or cooking, I love having a game on in the background. I love the sound of the NFL. Charlotte apparently likes the NFL as well... maybe she loves the football pants :)

Salad bars are my favorite place to eat. Charlotte can be a handful at any and all restaurants so I have learned that she likes to suck on cucumbers. So when she's bored at restaurants, we ask for cucumbes. They brought her an entire cucumber. She was in heaven.

We love when she acts like a dog and carries stuff in her mouth.

Tiny toes on the sand. One of the sweetest things in the world.

Pretty pretty princess on the beach.

She decided to ditch the dress. It was totally getting in the way with the crawling.

Is this heaven?  No, it's Sullivan's Island.

I know alot of my friends and family ask me quite a bit why I live so far away. This is why I live here. This is what I can do any day that I want to.

Now for a few little beach pics of my family...

It was a perfect Sunday that we ended with perfect dinner with our friends. So thankful for Alex's days off and family time together.

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