Monday, October 31, 2011

The Cutest Watermelon on the Vine - Happy Halloween

Charlotte has survived her first Halloween!

We started out making her a ladybug but then came across this watermelon costume. I've never seen a baby dressed as a watermelon. Done. Sold. Ladybug outfit returned, watermelon costume bought.

It was the perfect outfit, right???

Hold on! There's a watermelon loose on Ivy Circle! (Ok, not funny)

This is her new smile :) Not the cutest in looks but so cute that she gets that excited!

Not so thrilled about the hat... and her sideburns are a bit much :)

A couple of more pics...

Eating grass... you know, the normal things you do on Halloween.

Charlotte spent a few hours off and on peering out at the street begging for friends to come visit us. She was so cute :)

And we can't forget Maximillion Pujols Jackson. He was not a fan of Halloween. Too much ringing of the doorbell.

So we didn't go trick or treating for a few reasons:
1. We aren't that close with our neighbors so we didn't feel the need to go to their houses just to show off the watermelon.
2. Charlotte doesn't like candy.
3. I'm trying to loose baby weight so the last thing we need is candy in the house.
4. Alex was working and someone needed to hand out candy.

So Charlotte and I stayed home and handed out candy. SHE LOVED IT! She would drop candy into the kids' buckets. She squealed, jumped, talked, flailed her arms as they all approached.

It was perfect. We actually had to call it quits bc we ran out of the candy.

We hope you all had a fabulous Halloween as well!!

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