Thursday, October 20, 2011

I'm Chilling On a Dirt Road

Day #2 of our trip to the Midwest involved Charlotte and I venturing "Down South" (as we referred to it when we were growing up) to go to visit family in the thriving Metropolis of Carrollton... an hour north of St Louis. All of my dad's side of the family lives there so when we visit my Grandma, we are usually able to see "everyone." There are LOTS of pictures with this blog post...

So, Charlotte is pretty much a celebrity. Despite having crazy stranger and separation anxiety, Charlotte was a champ! She went right to everyone and sat and played with everyone without even needing me in sight... most of the time :) Can you tell she got a bit of attention here?

She loves to look outside. It was way colder than she is used to... 30's-50's... that didn't keep her from wanting to be outside though.

Attention, attention, attention... play, play, play...

Since cousin Melissa doesn't have class on Thursdays, Charlotte got to spend the entire day with her. Charlotte loves Melissa :)

Smokey Joe, the-supposed-to-be-outside-but-was-inside-all-day-CAT was so good with Charlotte. If we hadn't taken a plane, we would have been taking a cat home with us. He could have been Charlotte's kitty. The best kitty ever...

Cousin Michaela had been in a car acciden 4 days prior... she is feeling so much better and we are so thankful she is ok. Charlotte is in shock that Michaela didn't have more injuries than what she did.

Charlotte was a bit skeptical of Cousin Ryan. She liked playing with him on the floor and she paid attention to every word he said, BUT she just wasn't quite sure...

I feel like she is looking at Kurtis's banged up lip and saying "Ew, gross. What happened to you??" Kurtis was also in the car accident and had just gotten out of the hospital 2 days prior. He looked fabulous and he even knew what day it was... after looking at his watch.

It's so funny seeing Charlotte play with the same things I played with when I was younger... like this booster seat that appears as though it is brand new (Kidding). We used to sit in this all of the time. Crazy... and even more crazy that grandma has kept it around.

Since we wouldn't be in Illinois on Halloween, we made sure to bring the amazing watermelon halloween costume so everyone could just how cute of a melon she is! It was a hit... obvi...

In six weeks, Charlotte will no longer be the baby on the Weber side of life. She will be joined by a third cousin (I think third... Melia is my first cousin, Charlotte's second, so then Melia's baby would be her third, right????  I don't know.)

WHOA! It's windy in these parts!! Since it "warmed up" (broke 50) in the afternoon, we took a quick gator ride down to the barn and pond. I really wanted her picture with a cow but it was too chilly to go out into the pasture and get it. She loves the outside though...

That is the greatest smile in the world. Melts my heart.

Grandma's newest pond... full of fish. She loves this. I love it too... wish we lived closer so we could teach Charlotte how to fish in it.

BRRRR... me wearing Grandpa Wayne's sweat coast and having a blanket around the crazy kid. Even though the ride was only 5 minutes, it was long enough.

Drink time :) This girl knows how to throw them back.... she gets that bottle in hand and she goes to town.

Nap time... drinking makes her sleepy so now it's nap time with Melissa...

Fall Midwestern Sunset

Katie is back from basketball!!!!!!!!!!!!

Katie is truly one of Charlotte's favorite people in this entire world. She loves her so much. She went crazy for 10 minutes. Kate could barely keep ahold of her she was so excited.

It was a perfect day at Grandma's house. We had lots more visitors but I forgot to get pics of Charlotte with everyone. Grandma made a feast so I ate my weight in "low fat" down home cookin'. We watched lots of good movies, talked about everything under the sun, and played all day long. Those days are the best days...

It was absolute perfection.

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