On Day #4 of our trip to the Midwest, Charlotte and I woke up and spent the morning with my sisters. We went up on Grandview Drive in Peoria which is gorgeous but camera was dead so I couldn't take pictures... my sisters did. They got some great pics with my crazy kid but I didn't get any :( I will have to get the pics from then. After a quick lunch with the rest of the fam, Mary, Charlotte and I drove the 45 minutes to my college stomping grounds while some of the fam went to see "Wicked." (They said it was awesome)
I loved going to college at Illinois State University. I met some of my very best friends in life there. Since in the South we don't get like a big Fall season, I wanted to take Charlotte and show her beautiful Quad during the Fall. The Quad is in the center of our campus. It's one of those places that I walked through every day that I had class but I never really appreciated it back then. Now, I think it is so beautiful. So I showed Charlotte around ISU.
Charlotte loved seeing the Nursing hall. She could only see the outside of Edwards but she was pumped. I mean, she even sported her nursing bib for the occasion.
Mary, Mari, and Goose at the bell. I have no idea what goes on with this bell. For all I know, it's the Freedom bell. However, it looked fun.
On the way to Graduation, my best friends and I got our picture walking across the bridge holding hands. I thought that I would hold hands with my little Partner In Crime and get a pic walking across the same bridge. Totally not the same effect as I am wearing mom jeans with a saggy mom butt.
Charlotte had had enough. One last picture with the bridge in the background.
Oh how I love Harvest :) This was the scenery the entire 45 minute ride home... well, except for when we passed through the city of Goodfield.
One of the great parts of Harvest... Tractors, tractors, and more tractors on the road.
And one last shot of that sweet face... sooo tired from our time on the Quad.
It was a perfect day. It made me miss college days and that lifestyle. I actually loved my time in the dorms... despite all of the roommate situations I got myself into.
College were the best years of my life... until now :)
GDI representing! lol.....I'm glad you went back!! I haven't been since our time on the bridge!