Friday, February 8, 2013

Sawyer Month Update: Six Months

Date: February 8, 2013

Weight: 16 lbs 10 oz

Height: 27.5 inches

Clothing: Sawyer is rocking all of his adorable 6 month clothes. He is growing right on target according to the Carters and Target clothing lines :) He has had a haircut already and he just looks like such a little man with it. His sweet little comb over is just awesome. He wears size 3 diapers (he pees out of the 2's). He hates hats so even though he looks so adorable in them, he refuses to rock them.

Health: Our little booger is still on Prevacid. He doing great with it. He still refluxes and still has fussy times but NOTHING like life was like for the first 4 months of his life. I really do believe he was lactose intolerant (as does his doctor in Columbus.) He is still getting some gas drops here and there as well. He got a slight cold when we were visiting in Charleston as well. He had a runny nose and a slight fever when we got back as well. We went through the Tylenol and Motrin like crazy for a few days. Other than that, he has been fabulous!!!

Sleeping: We all know that my babies are not good sleepers :) Sawyer sleeps so-so. He goes to bed around 7 or 8 pm every night. He wakes up twice per night still. We usually get a wake up call from him around midnight and four. Then he is up for the day around 7 or 8 am. He likes to sleep on his belly or elevated on a pillow. I am a "bad" mom and he sometimes ends up in bed with us...between us... on a pillow. (We have a king sized bed so all three of us have our own pillows all spread out.) When he is in his bed, if he seems fussy or in pain, I place him on a pillow with the sleep monitor/angel monitor on so I can tell if he stops breathing. Someday he will feel better. Someday he will sleep through the night. :) He takes 2-3 naps per day....just depending on how well his first 2 naps were. He usually naps about 4 hours out of the day...which really is awesome. Somedays we are even able to coordinate both kids napping and Momma gets a bit of a break...

Eating: Sweet boy is still taking 4-5 ounces of formula with each bottle. We use the Target brand sensitive formula. We also use a ton of cereal to thicken it for him...still. I am pretty sure his bottles will be thickened until he doesn't take bottles anymore. He take about 5 bottles per day. He really seems to be tolerating everything much better now that he is doing so well with the Prevacid. He loves his baby food. He has been doing well with it. I love making the baby food. It makes me happy that I know exactly what is going into his feedings. He eats so well and doesn't seem to have any favorites. I add rice cereal to all of his baby food as well. He eats lunch and dinner with us. He is starting to eat small bites of table food and tolerating them very well. Just small bites of bread and donut and soft carbs here and there. He is such a good eater though :) Hopefully this keeps us!

Activity: He is really starting to get active. He sees his older sister going big places and he wants to join her. He has his new little froggie exersaucer that he likes to play in but after so long he gets bored and mad. He wants to get out and play with her. He is able to sit up on his own, VERY well. He rolls all over the house from point A to point B. I will look over and he will be getting into anything and everything. He reaches for and grabs for every thing. He is going to be a very busy little body. You can tell he can't wait to get moving. As for me, I can wait :) Although I am pretty sure his favorite activity of all is to just be held. He LOVES when I just hold him while I am doing other things. Sometimes we break out the Baby Bjorn just so I can get things done. I just strap him to me and away we go!

Personality: Sawyer is a lot like Charlotte. He likes to be stimulated. He loves to watch people. He LOVES his Momma. He does seem as though he might be more laid back than Charlotte is though. Sometimes he can just sit and hang out while Charlotte was a pretty active, vocal little thing at his age. He is starting to like Alex a bit more and does love his Gigi and his Papa. He loves his sister though too. Those two are just crazy about each other. I hope this lasts at least awhile :) I have never had to worry about Charlotte being bad or jealous. She has really accepted Sawyer with open arms (as open of arms as an 18-24 month old can.)

Our sweet little man just keeps growing....

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