Friday, February 8, 2013

Charlotte Month Update: Two Years Old

This is 8 months late. I know this. But I am finally getting around to doing it. I get points for that.

Date: February 8, 2013

Weight: 25 lb 10 oz

Height: 33.5 inches

Clothes: Our big 2 year old wears a size 3 diaper (sometimes a size 4 at night or in the car.) She wears size 18 month clothes (with a few 12 months thrown in there.) She loves to wear  things with pockets. She loves dresses and sparkly shoes. She wears size 5 shoes. We do try to to put her in size 24 month clothes but they are just too big for her cute little self. Her hair is growing like crazy. She is starting to look more like a little girl than a toddler. 

Sleeping: We have a sleeper. (still). Charlotte continues to sleep through the night (even though we seem to wake up somewhere different every single day.) She sleeps so well. She goes to bed sometime between 8 and 9 and she gets up in the morning around 7 or 8. She sleeps that entire time. This is such a far cry from the child we had 4 months ago... She also still takes 1 nap a day. She usually sleeps around 2 hours each afternoon for her nap. She has even started to tell me that she is ready to go to bed. She will ask for her "yaya" (Yes, she still uses one. Judge me all you want.) and then tell me that she wants to go "night-night". She likes to be rocked still before bed but she can also fall asleep on her own if she is really tired. She listens to music and has her night light on for her bedtime. Our little girl is growing up...

Food: There are days this little princess is super picky but then other days she eats all day and doesn't care what it is she is eating. For breakfast she continues to always have her dough doughs or cereal. She snacks all morning. For lunch, she continues to love her ham and cheese with usually some type of fruit and chips. She eats a snack and drinks her juice as soon as she wakes up from her naps. For supper she will generally eat whatever I make...with a favorite being spaghetti, soup, and noodles. She loves some milk before bedtime. Two of her very favorite things are dumdum suckers (she is allowed 2 per day) and she loves her popsicles. One of her favorite things to do in Georgia was to sit on the screened in porch and eat her popsicle.

Health:  It seems like every time we travel somewhere and are around a bunch of kids, one or both of my children get sick. After we went to Charleston to visit friends, Charlotte ended up getting developing a fever and she pretty much had a cold. Kids are so sad when they have those colds though... They can't breathe when they lay down, coughing like crazy, nose sore from being wiped, etc. She also got her four eye teeth. She had her first official boo boo ruined day. She fell down at the park and scraped her knee then rescraped it at McCallisters in the parking lot. Screaming galore. Then, one Sunday night in Georgia when we were all by ourselves, she touched a light bulb and burned her hand. She screamed and screamed and screamed. I felt so bad for her but it finally go to bed enough. She woke Sawyer up screaming so then he was screaming.... it was just too much. But she lived to tell a tale :)

Talking: It is amazing to see how much she is talking now. She can talk in short sentences. It is so cute to hear her say things like, "I want my yaya." That is four words! How awesome! She also seems to mix up her word order which is adorable as well. Sometimes I will find her frantically searching the couch, her bedroom, etc and I will ask her what she needs. She will say, "Where'd go yaya?" She tries to pronounce different words and it is so cute when she can't pronounce them the correct way. It is hard for the average Joe to understand her but for us, it is very easy. 

Favorites and Non Favorites: Charlotte has so many favorite things at 2 years old. Her brother is one of her very favorite things. The minute she wakes up in the morning and the minute she wakes up from her nap she looks for him. She is having much less stranger danger and is more likely than she ever has been to go hang out without me in sight. She loves going to Great Grandma Ann's house. She hangs with Grandma on her own and she is totally fine with that. She loves playing outside (well, in Georgia. It's too cold to hang out outside in Illinois.) She loves other people's boo boos. She talks about them all of the time. She wants to know every thing about them. She hates checking out at the grocery store. She gets so mad at the cashier and yells and screams and carries on. It's pretty embarrassing and I usually sweat pretty bad when she does it.  She throws some hellacious tantrums....feet kicking, screaming, tears, arms flailing, etc. She loves her mommy time. When Sawyer is taking a nap, she loves to lay on mommy and hang out. She is so good when it is just her and Mommy. She plays very well when Sawyer is being put to bed. She gets the tv, all of her toys, and some juice. She will just hang out and wait for Sawyer to be asleep so that Mommy can play with her just her and Mommy. And her very favorite thing right now in her life is the "Happy Birthday" song. We sing it every day. 

Charlotte is one of the loves of our lives. She is amazing. She is smart, beautiful, charming, hilarious, and the absolute most amazing little girl we have ever known...

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