Monday, February 4, 2013


So Alex left on a Saturday, Grandma and the girls left on a Sunday, and that left me in Columbus until the following Sunday without guests. Niki and her boys were planning to come for four days the following Sunday, Alysia and Callie were planning to come the following Friday, and Aunt Kathy was going to fly in the following Wednesday. Well, Alex's brother and future sister-in-law offered to come visit the very first weekend we had free. Niki moved her visit to a week later. So that left us by ourselves for most of Sunday through Friday night instead of Sunday to Sunday. I was so happy, relieved, and excited. Well, on that first Friday morning, Alex's brother called to say they wouldn't be able to make it. He said they had too much stuff to get done over the weekend to come visit. I was pretty sad but I know that things come up and plans change. Niki had already changed all of her plans she wasn't able to come up visit that Sunday like the original plan.

When my momma found out about it, she just decided that there was no point in the kids and I sitting in Georgia by ourselves. Mom, Dad, and Mary had been worried sick the entire time we had been by ourselves. Mary had told them how I wasn't sleeping because I was just worried about "stuff". Mom and Dad decided that if it was ok with us, Mom would just fly down and pick us up and drive back to Illinois to live with them until we had a place to live. Even though I felt like I was giving up and disappointing myself (as well as the visitors that we had planned), I decided that it would be the best thing for us to do for the kids. Having only one stressed out parent and two small babies with no outside contact just isn't the best case scenario.

So, that Friday afternoon (February 1), Mom booked a plane ticket (for surprisingly cheap) to come save us :) We made it through the weekend. On Monday February 4, mom flew from St. Louis to Columbus. Her and Dad got up at 2 am and drove to St. Louis to have her there in time for the 7 am flight. We went and picked mom up for the LAST TIME from the Groomes Station. All sweetness, no bitterness. The end had finally come...

Charlotte got out of the car and ran to her :) To say that a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders the second I saw her would be an understatement. Help had arrived :)

I know that I make it sound very dramatic. I know that there are tons of single moms out there. But the thing is, I didn't have a support system of any type. I didn't have a friend... any family... heck, I couldn't even depend on the garbage man for anything because they were all prisoners. I just didn't know what I would do in case of an emergency or what if something happened to me? Who would notice and come save my kids? What if the house caught on fire? Or someone broke into the house? What if one of the kids got really sick? What would I do with the other one?? My mind was a HOT MESS.

But once my Mom got all went away. I do not know what I would do without her... or my Dad. They saved the day...and my sanity.

We picked her up, ran a few errands, ate lunch at the Chicken Salad Chick, and got our last bunch of cupcakes from Gigi's Cupcakes. Deliciousness.

We then headed back to the woods and started packing our booties off...

We have lots of stuff. Oh. My. Goodness.

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