Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!

For Mother's Day, we held it at our house. John, Mom, Dad, Alex, the kids and I all had a mid afternoon meal at our house. It was grilled out and perfect. I told Alex I just wanted to stay around the house. I had no desire to do anything crazy. I just wanted to chill out and feel like I didn't have anything to do. Mary had to work Saturday and Sunday nights so we decided to meet her at Emo's, the ice cream place in Peoria, on her way to work. This way she could be with all of us for a few minutes during Mother's Day.

Ice cream time!

Charlotte, despite how she acts sometimes, loves her Papa. She is crazy about him.

My two boys.

Mother's Day is just like any other day. (Although, every other day is not just like Mother's Day.)
I have one beautiful kid...

Look at that face!

And I have another beautiful kid... she is a knock out.

And a snuggler...

My family.

We ate some delicious ice cream. This was Sawyer's first ice cream experience... like actually eating a decent amount of ice cream. How do you think he felt about it???

Emo's might not be the FANCIEST place in town but it sure is delicious.

I had a wonderful Mother's Day. I got to spend it with my family. My kids were good kids and I had help all day long (that is a gift all by it's self.) I love being a mom. It is hard...very hard. But it is amazing. I never stop worrying about them. Even when they are tucked into their beds I am worried they aren't breathing or that someone is going to break into our house and steal them. They consume almost my every thought. I worry constantly that I am doing it all wrong. I worry that they will end up a serial killer, a cleptomaniac, a hermit, have absolutely no friends or social skills, that they will not talk, be rude, be violent... I have fears all day everyday. But at the end of the day I am one of the luckiest women in the world. I get to stay home and raise my two babies all by myself. I get to take part in their every growth, every milestone, every word, every fit, every snack, every bit of their life. I wouldn't change it for the world. I love being a mom. 

Happy Mother's Day ladies. I hope your day was wonderful!!

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