Friday, May 24, 2013

Playdates and Dance Parties

May 24 we woke up so excited because the Robinsons were coming to visit us!! We love when Aunt Tracey, Mitchell, and Carter come to visit. We love our play time and we love sharing our life with them. Most importantly we love love LOVE that we live close enough that they can come visit us and play at OUR house!!!!

The day actually started out pretty chilly...even though we were looking forward to playing outside and in the water all afternoon. It was much too chilly so we played in the basement for awhile instead.

It has similar qualities to the outside like a few random bugs and riding toys. Boys love riding toys :)

Charlotte served Carter some tea. She LOVES to make tea :) I am sure Uncle Mark will LOVE this picture of Carter having a tea party.

We had a delicious lunch of pepperoni bread. Everyone ate a ton and then we headed to Black Partridge Park... about a half of a mile away. There were plenty of other kids there (which always makes me cringe) but we scared the older ones off. 

The kiddos loved the merry-go-round.

They loved it!!

It was pure bliss before some weirdo kids came over and started trying to push the merry-go-round and take part. I was like, "Um, there is an entire park to play in. Go somewhere else." So annoying.

So we all shifted to the swings....

Sawyer let Aunt Tracey love on him.

Charlotte isn't one for swinging really high. She says, "Big, Momma!" I barely tap her and that is big for her. This is her excited about the BIG push.

Love our babies!

We had a blast at the park!! :) Everyone got a lot of energy out. We then headed back to our humble abode and had a delicious treat!!


Carter LOVED the ice cream cone.

Mitchell opted out of the actual cone. But he loved him some ice cream on a lion plate :)

They headed back to Davis Junction after dessert. Now that the crew is getting older, we don't have to plan the entire day around naps. They got to stay until 3:30 pm. 

After dinner and baths, we had a dance party in Sawyer's room. The kids wearing bath robes is just so cute.

How cute is this girl??

We love brushing our teeth!

"Mom, I have teeth now. We had better brush them!"

Dancing crazy!!

"Sissy, you are so silly!"

How cute is this girl????

Love him!

It always turns to taking everything out of the drawers and it always turns into a dress up party :)

We had a great Friday. Amazing friends. Fabulous kids. Wonderful memories.

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