Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Sawyer Month Update: Ten Months

Date: June 8, 2013

Weight: About the same as last month... probably around 18-19 lbs

Height: About the same as last month as well.

Clothing: Our big boy wears size 9 month  and 12 month clothes. He still squeezes into some 6 month clothes. He wears size 3-4 shoes. And he still wears size 3 diapers with size 4 diapers at night.

Sleeping: Sawyer has been doing better off and on at his sleeping. He sleeps through the night 1-2 times per week. It's funny bc I get LESS sleep on the nights he sleeps through the night. I get up and check on him constantly. Sometimes we still use the Angel Monitor to make sure he is breathing. I freak out over everything. (I used the Angel Monitor every time he was in his bed in Georgia bc he was on a pillow due to his reflux.) He takes his 2, sometimes 3 naps a day and goes to bed by 8 pm and is up by 8. He wakes up and I usually still give him a bottle in the middle of the night just for my sanity.

Teeth: Sawyer has four teeth :) He got his top front two teeth on May 31. And he had gotten his bottom teeth earlier in May. What a big boy!! The teeth are going to change his looks so much!

Talking: He is starting to babble more. His older sister really has a lot to say so trying to get time for both of them to talk is a bit difficult :) He says, "Momma", "Dadda", "Papa", "Hi" and he waves. We think he is saying "dog" as well. He will talk eventually and on his own time...and when Charlotte decides to let him.

Health: Sawyer is a crazy healthy boy so far. His reflux isn't very apparent.... other than an occasional spit up...esp when he has drank too much juice or water too fast. He also had his first of MANY bloody lips. It was pretty traumatizing for all of us. Charlotte saw the blood and freaked. It hurt so Sawyer cried for a while. I had a bad pit in the bottom of my stomach. He actually got it from falling forward in the bath tub. He also chipped his bottom two teeth in the process. Other than that, no coughs, colds, ear infections, etc.

Eating: Oh, this eater. Charlotte was way more picky than Sawyer is. He will eat whatever we put in front of him. He loves toast, fruit, cauliflower, brocolli, and pretty much any vegetables he eats. He loves french fries and he loves ham. He loves to try whatever we are eating. He loves his juice. We have no problems with his eating. He would all day long if we would let him! He has also started eating his donuts in the morning just like Charlotte. We have to buy double the donuts for them.

Activity: He's a crawler. He's a climber. He's a walker. (Just not quite a talker yet.) He is getting everywhere that he feels he needs to go. The walking is going to be turning into running here. (It already has some.) He is really trying to keep up with Charlotte. He can scale the stairs faster than you can count to 13. He loves to ride Charlotte's 4 wheeler with her. He sits behind her and holds on for dear life!!!

Favorites: Sawyer loves to be outside. Just like Charlotte. His world is complete when he gets to go outside and play. He loves running around Gigi and Papa's big yard. He loves even just playing on our back deck (that I have a baby gate up to trap them on it.) He loves to dance. He dances and dances and dances. The minute he hears music, he dances. He loves animals. He yells with glee when he sees any cats or animals. He loves Sam and Belle at Gigi and Papa's house. They don't feel the same way about him but that's ok.  He loves the bath tub...and feels cool because he can stand up easily in it now. He really thinks he is a big shot. He continues to love the vacuum. It's his best friend most days. He stalks me while I am using it. And when it's not on but it's in sight, he gets mad at me when I am not using it.

Sawyer, you keep us on our toes and make each day a new adventure. We love you so much.

And the story goes on...

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