Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Charlotte Update: Twenty Seven Months Old

I am going to try something new for Charlotte now that she is over 2 years old. I am going to give an update on her every three months. So this is her 27 month update!

This will contain a bunch of random facts about our little princess...

~ She wears 18 months clothing and size 5 shoes. She wears size 4 diapers as well.

~ She can put on her own socks, shoes, and gloves.

~ She can count to five.

~She loves to sing songs with her ABC's, I'm A Little Teapot, and This Little Light Of Mine

~She says "please" and "Thank you" without being prompted.

~ She has a deep love for shoes...especially my high heels that EVERYONE knows that I don't wear.

~ She loves to arrange shoes and play with them. She arranges them in a line all by herself...and she can matches them all up.

~ She is obsessed with babies. She always has a baby with her....and a purse. 

~Everything is a baby. She even takes the remote and burps it like a baby.

~Charlotte is really good in the car now. She usually just sits and watches her movie and has her "yaya" in.

~ She is obsessed with "Gnomeo and Juliet" and "Tangled" and "Toy Story 3" and "Finding Nemo" to name a few. She alternates on her favorite though.

~She is very helpful around the house...helps put away laundry, can put her clothes on hangers, and she helps unload the dishwasher.

~She knows different streets and locations... like when we turn onto our street she knows we are "home" and when we turn at the into Mom and Dad's neighborhood she knows that. Also everytime we go to the town square she says, "hair cut" because that is where we get our hair cut.

~She knows parts of the movie before they happen and she says some of the movie lines with the movies.

~She loves my cousin Rowe...she talks to him on the phone all of the time. (her imaginary phone).

~Anytime I am on the phone with friends or family, she will sit with her phone to her ear  or any object near her to her ear and she throws her head back and laughs really loud and hard as she "talks on the phone". Apparently that is what I do.

~She takes one nap per day and it is usually about 2 hours long.

~She eats all day long. She loves her donuts, her toast, chips, suckers, grapes, ham, cheese, and noodles.

~She will eat most anything that other people offer her but if I offer her something new, she will generally not eat it.

~One of my favorite things that she does is she comes up to the counter (or goes up to any counter whether its at Mom's house or Grandma's house) and she says to the person, 'Can I have two nacks please?" Then she will pay you "moneys".

~She is able to say part of her ABC's.

~She loves he friends and constantly talks about Wayne, Ella, and Kyla.

~In the morning when she wakes up, the first thing she does is wonder where Sawyer is.

~When we go through a drive thru, she yells back at the drive thru people.

~She loves slushies...especially at Target. I always get her one.  A mom's got to do what a mom's got to do.

~She loves to tell people to "SHHHH", loves to go outside and "bye bye" and loves to tell people to "Sits" so they will sit by her.

~Charlotte plays independently really well.

~She loves Justin Biener (The Biebs as she calls him) and she thinks that all young guys are him.

Charlotte is wild card. She is off the wall and crazy at times but she is also the sweetest little baby girl we could have ever imagine having. She is a ball of fire when she's mad. She keeps us busy, laughing, and yelling all in the same day :) Thank you, Lord, for giving us such a crazy, wild, cool, fun child. 

She just continues to grow....

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