Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Sawyer Month Update: Five Months

Date: January 8, 2013

Weight: Our little chubbster probably weighs 16 lbs!

Height: He comes up to Charlotte's shoulders already. I think he will pass his big sister up in the next 6 months.

Clothing: Well, our chubbster is rocking his 6 month clothes. I still try to squeeze him into a few of his 3 month clothes that I think are cute but it is apparent that he will only be able to wear them for a bit longer. I laugh because Charlotte was still able to wear a bunch of her 6 month clothes at one year. Most of his 6 month clothes fit perfectly (at 5 months). On the days we are just at home playing, I will sometimes slip a pair of capris on him....AKA 3 month pants. They look a bit ridiculous on him but since no one will be around to judge, I just let him rock them out :) I am loving this little boy clothes, though. I love being able to be the one to pick them out every once in awhile (He got so many, I haven't really had to buy him anything.) Naturally my favorite clothes of his either include a zipper or a tie.

Health: Even though he has already had a cold, Sawyer hasn't been too sick or anything. He has done really well. His reflux is actually getting better. He doesn't cry when he refluxes anymore. I do try to keep him elevated after feedings and most nights he sleeps on his tummy instead of on his back (his reflux is worse on his back). He takes his Prevacid well. He gets it once a day still. He tends to spit up quite a bit with his after feedings and I am pretty sure the reason why is because he is so busy during that time of the day. He really has been a pretty healthy little man, though. I was very nervous about it since I had to stop nursing so early on for him.

Sleeping: Again, my children are not crazy great sleepers. However, Sawyer is like clock work. When he wakes up in the morning, he is awake for two hours then goes down for his morning nap. He naps (usually in his bed or in his carseat if we need to run errands.) After a 1-2 hour nap, he wakes up. Two hours later, naptime again! I try to coordinate this nap with Charlotte's nap. I usually need to put Sawyer down before I can put her down. He takes a 1.5-2 hour nap. After his nap, he plays for another two hours then might take a 45 minute nap before dinner and baths. He plays so hard during the day :)  He usually goes to bed between 7 and 8. He wakes up around midnight or 1 and I will usually feed him. He goes back to sleep but I usually put him on a pillow (elevated bc of his reflux) between Alex and I in our bed. He sleeps usually until 5 or 6 in the morning. He still isn't the greatest sleeper but someday he will sleep great. Until then, I will just deal with it. No crying it out in my house... it traumatized child #1 so I refuse to do it to child #2.

Eating: Sawyer is rocking the eating now. He eats a bottle every 3-4 hours. He takes 4 ounces of formula with 2 Tbsp of rice cereal added to it. Because the consistency is so thick, we have to cut the hole in the nipple. Well, because of that hole, he is able to just GUZZLE that food down. Give this boy 2 minutes and there is nothing but air left in that bottle. He might wake up and take one bottle at night and on bad nights take 2 but I am ok with this. We will work on getting him to stop feeding at night once the move is over. Anytime I try to give him 5 or 6 ounces, he either spits it all up or will not take more than 4 ounces. It appears as though I am starving the poor champ but that just isn't true :) As far as his baby food goes, the boys is in love with his real food. I truly enjoy making the baby food. And he truly enjoys eating it. The only thing I have come across that he doesn't like is bananas. He yelled, gagged, and refused to eat them. We will try them again someday...but now is not the day. He really is a good eater. He eats lunch and dinner. I thicken all of his baby food as well. The doctor said not to worry about giving him cereal on it's own. He is getting enough of it through his bottles.  He grabs for food all of the time. He grabs for my food, Charlotte's food, anyone's food. As he grabs, he has his mouth open ready for a bite. He has even broken a bowl from my cereal...he grabbed it and pulled without me noticing...until it shattered on the floor of the kitchen. When he sees his bottle, he freaks out. He gets so pumped when he sees it... yelling, kicking, screaming, and grabbing for it.

Activity: Our little guy is just rolling all over. He actually loves tummy time which is something Charlotte never loved. He could lay on his tummy and play for hours. The downside to this he spits up everywhere when he has been on his tummy for too long. He can roll from one side of the room to the other though. We haven't been trying the sitting up part of things just because when he is sitting up, he crunches down on his tummy and will either upset it or make him spit up his entire feeding over the period of an hour or so. He does sit in his Bumbo some but only for a bit and it has to be about 2 hours after a feeding. He will eventually get bored with it and arch his back and fall out of the Bumbo. I see now why you are not to put those on elevated surfaces :) Sawyer would have had multiple concussions by now. I think he is going to be a mover and shaker.

Personality: Our little man. He is a happy guy. He loved his Momma. When he wants me to hold him, he starts yelling and making weird noises to get my attention... and he especially goes crazy when someone else is holding him but he would rather have me. He talks and coos and yells. He has a lot to say. You know, so many people have told me that the second child is usually pretty content with just hanging out. I say to that, "Yes, sometimes he is chill." However, I was thinking I would have this child that would literally just hang out and be happy playing with an old newspaper. Nope, our little guy loves to have the attention. He loves to be played with. And he loves his sister. Up until now, he was ok about going to sleep. Lately he has started screaming and throwing a fit and stiffening up when it is time to go to sleep... when I am rocking or cradling him. But all in all he is a great boy. He has a huge smile that just warms my heart. He loves to be talked to, played with, and he would live in the Baby Bjorn if you would let him. 

We can't wait to see what the next few months hold. I am pretty sure he will be mobile before we know it!!!!

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