Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Charlotte Month Update: Twenty Three Months

Date: January 8, 2013

Weight: The size of a peanut...and the same weight as the last 80 month updates I have posted :). No change. (At least I don't think so.)

Height: Some days she seems really tall. Some days she seems really short. However, I have no idea how tall she is :) Maybe I should only include this part of the update when we have an exact measurement.

Clothes: Size 3 diaper and mostly size 18 month clothes. I let her wear some of her 24 month clothes but most of these pants end up around her ankles after she walks around for a bit. She is rocking her size 5 shoes still. Our little peanut... I think Sawyer will be passing her up sometime in the next 6 months.

Sleeping: For someone who used to be such a terrible sleeper, she is finally rocking at the sleeping.  She takes a nap everyday...usually 2-2.5 hours after lunch. If we are out and about and driving home around lunch time, she will usually fall asleep in the car. The worse is when she wakes up when we pull in the driveway and will not go back to sleep...that makes for a LONG afternoon. She sleeps all night long (unless she falls out of bed, has a nightmare, or pees through her diaper).  She wakes up in the morning and instead of just getting out of her toddler bed, she yells, "Momma!!" or sometimes "Dadda". It is hilarious. She could just get up and go but instead she wants us to come get her. I kind of love that.

Food: We have a little Foodie here!!! She loves her food. She continues to eat allllll day.  She loves her pre-breakfast every morning... doughnuts (the powdered kind in the bag from the store). She has breakfast which consists of Eggo Waffles, cinnamon/sugar toast, cereal, or eggs if I am making a big breakfast. She usually has a morning snack of some sort... still referred to as "NACKS".  Her favorite thing to eat for lunch is "haaam and sheese". (She eats ham, cheese and mustard on a Hawaiian bread roll. She does not like any other bread with it.) After her little nap, she has a snack... usually Chex Mix, fruit, fruit snacks, candy (bad Mom), chips, pretzels, a popsicle, or more doughnuts. (As I write this, I have no idea how she only weighs around 24 lbs.) For dinner, Charlotte will eat whatever we eat... spaghetti, pot roast, Italian beef, pizza bread, chicken, mashed potatoes, soup...anything. She loves her ice cream, suckers, juice, chocolate milk, tea, and ice. I don't push her to eat. I know that if she wants to eat she will eat, if not, she won't. I know my girl will find a way to get her calories :)

Talking: Our little chatterbox just keeps talking...and talking...and talking. We LOVE it! We can't always understand her. Usually if we can't understand her, she will act it out. She calls toothpaste "BOP PEES" (That's what it sounds like.) She acts out brushing her teeth when she says this. Apparently I ask her to repeat herself many times when she says this so she finally just started acting it out each time she asked for it.  She has started (FINALLY) saying "Please" and "Thank you" instead of just saying "hmm hmm". She is able to say short sentences like "I have two yayays." One of my favorite things that she says is "So sorry" when she runs into something or does something by accident. She just says it out of the blue. I love it! She keeps learning more and more words.  We are both amazed every single day with how her talking is progressing.

Personality/Milestones:  Charlotte is determined, a bit hard headed, a ball of energy, and the sweetest girl you will ever meet... all rolled into one 2 feet tall person. She can throw a HUGE fit with kicking and screaming and horrible noises coming out of her. Then, within seconds, she is fine and acting like the sweetest girl I have ever met. She has been working on her ABC's and will repeat us when we say them one letter at a time. She can count to 2 (no, I am not lying.) She is such a great little "Mommy" to her babies and to Sawyer. She still wants to be involved with everything that he does. She is starting to play dress up.  She has the memory of an elephant (and she loves elephants so that works out nicely). She remembers the face that my Grandma Ann fell down and hurt her shoulder. She fell at the beginning of November and Charlotte found out via Skype. She remembers this still. She is finally a good little girl (95% of the time) in the car. Naturally the built in DVD player in our car helps keep her occupied.  She is learning what "nice" means. On one of her little movies that she watches, there is a mean lady. I yelled to the lady one time, "You are not nice!" Well, Charlotte heard me bc she was sitting right there. Now, every time she watches that movie and that lady shows up on the screen, she starts  yelling "NICE!" One other thing that is so hysterical that she is doing now is she associates certain physical attributes with certain people. For example, bald men are Uncle "Poopf" (John), men with bellies on them are "Papa". Young thin boys are "Rowe" (even Justin Bieber). Thin men in baseball hats are "Dadda". Thin men with facial hair are "Jeeks" (even men in magazines.)

Favorites: Charlotte still loves to play with "her" cell phone. She is always calling Jeeks, Sis, Papa, Gigis, Sam, Belle, Rowe and Didi on the phone. She loves to pretend to have grown up conversations with people. She will ramble really really fast and expect me to know what she is talking about. She loves the movie "Elf" with Will Farrell, as well as Beethoven's 2nd, Garfield, and Lady And the Tramp. She continues to be obsessed with chocolate milk...some days that being the only thing she will drink.  She loves the word "BIG" and loves to point out the "BIG TRUCKS" on the road...and the "BIG DOG DOGS" etc. She loves the the hot dog song on Mickey Mouse and Choo Choo Soul on Disney Jr. She loves dogs and cats and wants to take one home more than anything. She loves her baby dolls and taking care of all of them. She can be found pushing her stroller all day everyday with a purse hanging off of it. The girl is ALWAYS carrying a purse with random items in it...which is funny bc I don't ever carry a purse. She loves SKYPE and talking to "Meemee" and "Gigis" and "Bare" and "Papa" and "Poopf" and "Sam" and "Belle" and "Tata" (Kathy) and "Max" (Aunt Kathy's cat) and "Ween". I could go on forever about this child. She is our own personal HOT MESS.

And the exciting life of Charlotte Marie continues... Stay Tuned for 24 months!! We will have a two year old on our hands!!

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