Saturday, December 14, 2013

First Big Snow Of The Winter

The first real snow started December 13 and stopped on December 14.  We had been out and about running errands when the snow started. When we pulled into the driveway, naturally the crazies had to get out and play in the snow a bit and eat it and what not.
And Sawyer felt the need to check on Alex's Forrest Gump lawn mower...just to make sure it was still there.

Just a little taste of the cold white stuff....

They were hot messes out there...

It snowed all night long. When we woke up the next morning (after Alex spent forever cleaning off his car), we noticed just how much snow there was....

That's a lot of snow...

While the babies napped, I went outside to shovel my driveway. Living in small town Illinois, there is always someone offering to help out. The neighbors came over with their four wheelers and helped me get the driveway shoveled off. It's just so nice...
After naps, we headed outside to play for a bit.
She was shoving snow in her mouth as soon as she got out there!

Poor shorty here was having trouble. He was stiff from all of the winter wear and his legs are so short that he was having issues there. That's a lot of snow for a little guy.

He just kept falling down!
It looks like she has a loin cloth....that's just her scarf. She was making a snow angel.

So sweet.

He was stuck...hahaha...he looked like a bug on it's back just flailing his arms!

She wasn't helping him up....

So cute!

They are the best of friends...


She would have eaten ALL of that snow had a I let her. It's kind of weird.


Sawyer felt like mowing would be the more appropriate response.
Aunt Bare came over to play for a bit! Things are always more fun with Aunt Bare. She made seats in the snow for them to sit in.


Aunt Bare is so clever!

Now that is a lot of snow...

+The playing  in the snow was fabulous. Cold but fabulous.
After that we headed to Gigi and Papa's house. That night was Papa's agency party for all of his agents. They all come over to Mom and Dad's house for dinner and drinks. Mom and Dad wanted the kids to come and hang for a bit so everyone could see them. A  bunch of them saw me grow up so it's cool for them to be able to see the kids a few times a year. Charlotte preferred to wear her Minnie Mouse dress and not her Christmas outfit. I love this picture of Sawyer. He looks just like a  little man!!
Dad has done such an awesome job in his career. This night is a night of partying and celebrating for him. I am so proud of him and all that he is done. And I am proud of Mom for always standing by him and supporting him.
Alex stayed and hung out with the agents and Mom and Dad while I took the babies home around 8:30 and put them to bed. (and put myself to bed.) It was an evening of delicious food and great company.

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