Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmas Party Time!

Every year on the Friday night before Christmas, Mom and Dad have an open house Christmas party at their house. Depending on the weather and people's family Christmas schedules, there is anywhere from 50 people to 100 people that filter in and out throughout the night. Now that all of us kids are getting older and we have so many friends and couples that we are close to as well, Mom and Dad have us invite our friends! It's fabulous!
Naturally all of my babysitters were at the party (Mom and Mary) so the kiddos came as well!! But it was nice because their friend Brenna came with her Mommy and Daddy too.

Charlotte kept going in and sneaking plates of food.

The Duck Dynasty drama was happening about that time and one of their huge supporters came dressed to impress!!!

How much do you love this picture?????

Michael was in the house!! Love Tina and Michael. It was SO GOOD to see them!

The hilarious part of the party is that all of the younger people hang out by the bar now (which Dad is always standing behind) and the older crowd snacks more and is in bed by 10:00. I invited more friends than I had ever invited before. I wish I had taken more pictures earlier on than what I did. Scott and Erica Shoff came by the house for awhile. Jodi came on her way home from her work Christmas party. Tina and Michael came as well as Jessica, Jim, and Brenna. It was great to see everyone.
This was Michael Meredith's first Weber Christmas party. He loved it.

I had to include a picture of our favorite Northeastern-er that attended. Lauren and Michael were in from Philly....(Lauren is Michael's fiancé) and this was her first big shindig in town as well!

Party is coming to an end....

Alex and Erin were the winners of the Horse's Ass Award (in memory of Dad's friend Jim Garber) from last year. Each year the winner from the year prior is announced. Alex and Erin were the proud recipients from 2012 :)

One last shot before the party wraps up. Diana was making all of her crew hit the hay at a decent time. Michael and Lauren were hysterical and Erin was trying to buy them some more hanging out time.

The microphone always makes an appearance. Dad loves him a microphone at parties. Chad and Alex got on the microphone before the night was over.
The party wrapped earlier than it had in years past. We didn't drink as much as we have in the past. Alex had to work the next morning and I knew I would have the babies all day. We spent the night at Mom and Dad's house to make our night easier. It was a fabulous party! Hopefully everyone plus more will be able to make it next year!!!

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