Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Happy Christmas Eve!

Christmas Eve was a fabulous day. Alex was off of work so he and Charlotte ran a few errands. We ate lunch, they took naps, and he and I got supper ready to go. I made my homemade lasagna and he made the appetizers...the man loves his appetizers.  We all got ready and after a MAJOR MAJOR meltdown from our little diva, we all headed to church. We went to the Catholic Church in town...the one I grew up going to. Mom, Dad, and John were playing in the guitar group there for Christmas Eve mass. The kids were pretty good considering what time of the day it was.
This was one of the only pictures from the church that looked ok. They were trying to take the nativity apart....naturally.

After church we rushed home to get the lasagna in the oven and get ready for the family to come over.
He looks like our little butler or something.

How cute is this kid??????

Crazy girl jumped in. I didn't get her a Christmas dress this year. I didn't really think about it but now I wish I had.

We got a surprise in the mail on Christmas Eve. I had left some things in the hotel room in Nashville when I stayed there in November with my friends. Leslie sent them to me along with some ornaments that made her think of me and she sent the kids presents. After Charlotte opened her present from Leslie she yelled out "This is the best Christmas Ever!!!!!"

Mary had to work Christmas Eve so she was only able to come over for a little bit.
I love this picture :)
Alex made the "J" on the wall above the TV. He also made a "W" for mom, a "P" for Anne, and a "K" for Mary. He did a good job!

Oh, Dad. Always the funny guy.... Wearing a toddler's bow tie and drinking wine.

Our First Christmas living in Illinois.... :) The house is abuzz

The kids wanted to leave food for the reindeer. Papa helped them feed them.

Yep. Just throw all of that out the back door onto the porch. The reindeer will find them.

Let's throw some more out there...

The kids were happy Uncle Chad stayed for a bit to hang with us.

It was so nice to have Gigi, Papa, Bare, Chad, and Uncle Poop over for supper. The kids were nuts with excitement to have everyone here.

Good night kisses from Gigi!

That little face in his little trashy get up.

Uncle Chad is just so funny.
After everyone left and supper was cleaned up, it was time to back cookies!!!!

Charlotte and Sawyer helped make a chocolate chip pan cookie for Santa.


Love this picture. The kids are at the dining room table writing Santa letters (I should have moved the bag and flowers so you could see them.) Alex fell asleep the minute he sat down on the couch and was out until after the kids went to bed.

Always wanting to help momma in the kitchen.

Checking on that cookie!!!!

All ready for bed in his Christmas jammies!!

Cheese!!!!! (and a Yaya)

We are all set for Santa Clause...they each wrote a letter, Momma wrote a letter with real letters on it from them together, milk is cold and cookies are warm.
They headed off to bed... with Charlotte sleeping on the floor in our room (she was scared about Santa coming) and Sawyer sleeping in his bed. Hopefully Santa will come visit us!!!!!!!!

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