Friday, November 8, 2013

Sawyer Month Update: Fifteen Months

Date: November 8, 2013

Weight: He is definitely growing :)

Height: Same as above.

Teeth: Sawyer W Jackson has 10 teeth now! He had 2 molars (one on each side on top) that broke through on November 4.

Clothes: He is wearing 12 month clothing and wearing size 4 and size 5 shoes. We got him some work boots on sale at Walmart. HE LOVES THEM! He looks so cute in them! And we got him some camo cowboy boots as well. He has officially outgrown his 9 month bottoms. They are way too short (he looks nerdy if he wears them.) He does still wear 9 month onesies. He wears mostly size 4 diapers and I even bought some cheap size 5 diapers to wear at night. They are big on him but it helps prevent as much peeing through...

Sleeping: His sleeping is about the same :) I don't even need to explain it.

Health: Sawyer has been pretty healthy. He did develop a runny nose and some sneezing the day after Mallory's wedding. It is still runny off and on now but he hasn't had a fever or anything. He has been pretty healthy this month!!

Talking: Our little jabber box! His favorite thing to say is "DAA". There is lots of "DAA" going on in our world. Whenever I ask him to say a word he will say "DAA" and use the correct amount of syllables for what I am saying. If I ask him to say "pancakes", he will say "DAA DAA". He says "thanks" when someone gives him something. He says "more" constantly. He has specific sounds for cats, dogs, monkeys, gorillas, lions, elephants, and cows. He says about twelve words but talks all of the time. Hopefully he will start talking more and more. He still does say all of his previous words. He will get there :)

Favorites: He has a true love for books right now. His favorite thing to do is curl up on someone's lap and read a book. He likes to turn the pages before you are done reading but he still loves it. His favorite books include animals, tractors, and trucks. He loves to climb. One day I walked around the corner to grab something and came back around the corner to find him on the counter. 14 months old and he is already on the kitchen counter. Crazy. He loves to mimic us when we cough or hiccup. His favorite person to mimic is Charlotte. He will even mimic when Charlotte yells at me. He will turn toward me with his little T-rex arms crossed and start yelling. He loves to show off and he has started playing along when we ask him to point to his body parts. He also loves to play dress up...although we are trying to make the dress up clothes more boy appropriate. He doesn't love TV yet. He doesn't watch it at all. I wish he did :) We are working on it.

Eating: He loves eating still. He continues to love bread, ham and cheese. He loves peas, suckers, and corn...not in that order. He loves juice and will pretty much drink anything you give him. He loves ice and ice cream as well :)

Personality: This sweet boy.... he IS pretty chill compared to Charlotte. He is getting to where he thinks he needs to throw some fits. He has started pushing things and people. He has also started throwing stuff and giving a really loud "HUMPF" when he does it. We went ahead and started doing the time out thing. He doesn't really get it and he doesn't sit still but we are still starting it. He just gets so worked up that we need to just pause the situation. He dislikes the carseat but he hates it less than Charlotte did. He is also starting to go to more people than just Mom, Dad, Mary, and John. He really loves Aunt Kathy too. He will also reach for Lisa, Grandma Ann, Lis, Katie, and Aunt Didi. He likes to whine whenever I am in the kitchen or whenever I am trying to accomplish a task. He stands there and whines until I pick him up. He can be so good and so whiney all at the same time.

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