Sunday, November 24, 2013

Until Next Time, South Carolina...

On Sunday morning, our last morning in Surfside, we got up at normal time... around 7 am... maybe a few minutes after. Ella was clearly already up because she is up and at 'em as soon as she hears anything. Ella and Kate were going to be venturing up to York, PA to see Kate's grandma and to help her out for a few weeks. They had a very long drive and a very long day ahead of them.
Charlotte was getting so sad to see her friend go.
(In fact, on Monday morning she woke up and asked for Ella. "Momma, where is Ew-wa?")

Ella got her and bath and her undergarments :)

Playing just a few more minutes before it is time for her to pack up and leave.
It tugs at your heart strings a bit knowing it will be a year or more before we see her again...and she will be so different.

Uncle Alex was sad to see her leaving. He helped get her ready to go.
He just loves her so much.

We had breakfast and Kate and Ella got on the road to PA. We all hung out and started getting the house cleaned up/packed up. Man, packing 3 checked bags and 5 carry ons and 2 carseat bags in a way that makes it so they aren't overweight and everything is carry-able proved to be quite difficult. But I got it done!!!!
Aunt Amelia called around 11 asking if she could come by and see us before she headed back to Columbia to see her boyfriend. She came over while we got the kids bathed and ready for naps. She played with crazy girl in the bath tub... Sawyer who was SUPER tired wouldn't stay in the bath without me in there so he didn't get a very long bath.

Both kids got dressed and were ready to go to sleep. Aunt Amelia got a few last minute snuggles and then she headed on her way home. Alex had her tell Grandma and Grandpa and Mimi that the kids would be over to visit for a bit after their naps.

We got both kids put to sleep and the crazy cleaning began. I did about 10 loads of laundry that day. Adam and Alex got the oyster stuff cleaned up, helped clean, helped pack, and then they took the kids over to Mimi's house a little after 2 so that they could see everyone else before our flight.
Adrienne and I finished getting packed, cleaning, and getting ready, and then I headed over to Mimi's house for goodbyes as well.

Doesn't he just steal your heart??

Goofy, pretty girl.


Can you tell these two are related???

She was saying "CHEESE"

At 4 pm, it was time to head to the beach house so we could load up and head to the airport.
Goodbye hugs for Grandma Jackson.
Goodbye hugs for Grandpa Jackson

At the beach house we took one more wipe over everything and loaded up our ton of crap. Adrienne drove the kids and I and Adam and Alex rode together to the airport.
Charlotte was getting anxious for the flight...hence the paci.
Saying goodbye to Aunt Adrienne.

Sawyer saying "goodbye' to Uncle Adam.

Our three checked bags, our two carseats, and our one carry on rolling suit case. We also had 2 strollers, 2 book bags, and 2 duffle bags.

We got all checked in and through security. It was SO NICE not being at a busy airport. The workers were so nice and patient, the kids got to run around, and it felt fairly clean.


It was so clean that Sawyer mistook it for someone's house and rolled around on the floor.
Yep, my kids were those kids.

Our first flight was on time. Our second was an hour and a half late leaving. We were planning to be home around 10 but didn't get home until right around 12 pm. we were tired. SO SO SO tired.
Here is what my living room looked like for the next 2 days. And to be honest, I just didn't care. I even had people step foot in my house and I left it like that.
We really did have a great trip. It was awesome having a beach house for us. We didn't feel like we were in anyone's way and we could just kind of take over the place. We loved being close to the beach but close to family. We tried so hard to have the kids see Grandma and Grandpa as much as possible but sometimes the schedules were conflicting with our kids being early risers and early nappers. Most days they didn't get to see them until after 2. But we tried our best to fit in everything we wanted to fit in (Alex got to fish, do his oysters, go to the beach, hang with Adam and I wanted to do my 5K and see some of my friends on Saturday.) We had such a great time sharing the house with Adam and Adrienne. They took care of us...seriously they did so much for us. We loved that Kate and Ella could spend so much time with us. It is super stressful travelling with both kids. Trying to remember everything and all of the money that goes into all of it can really make your head spin but it is all worth it in the end.
Thank you everyone who participated in a trip!!!
You are amazing.

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