Friday, November 8, 2013

Charlotte Three Month Update: Thirty Three Months (That's A lot)

It's hard to believe that in three months Charlotte will three years old!! The only benefit to that is that she is closer to outgrowing this "terrible 2's" which I am told actually gets worse at age 3. YAY :)

Our beautiful little princess has 2 sides to her that are as different as night and day. She can be the sweetest little angel you have ever met and a few minutes later you might think the devil has taken over. But we love her just the same and embrace the crazy wild child that she is. Here are some of our facts about Charlotte.

~She loves herself some stickers. When given a page of stickers, she will have all of them off of the paper and usually on her body within 2 minutes. No sticker is safe around her.

~Neither are bandaids. Last month I bought her bandaids at Walmart to keep her quiet while I finished shopping (they were cheaper than the toy she wanted from the toy section.) She had used 25 bandaids by the time we reached the car. We had 5 left by the time we got to the car.

~She had her first slumber party in the last three months. She slept at Aunt Bare's house just because....and a week later she decided that she wanted to sleep at Gigi's house while we were there one night. Now she is in a mood where she doesn't want to sleep anywhere but home with me. She will get over that some day :)

~She has gotten so very good at petting animals and not scaring them and coming on too strong. She is such a nuturer and so very compassionate to animals and babies.

~She has a bad temper that includes phrases such as, "NO! I don't want you!" and "No! I do it BY MY SELF!" and "Go away."

~She gets sent to a corner for time out and to her room if she isn't good in the corner. She also, every once in awhile gets her leg or bottom popped for extreme outbursts, mean-ness and fits.

~She spits on the ground...inside or outside....randomly. Not sure what makes her do it. She just decides to spit.

~She has a few different ways that she says things that make it seem like she has an accent. So far the accents I have noticed are Southern, Canadian, Minnesota, and Boston.

~She can count to twelve now and she knows her ABC's.

~She still uses a pacifier for sleeping and in the car. (Go ahead and judge us.)

~She loves her TV time and she loves the Ipad. She can work the Ipad all on her own and pretty soon she will be able to work the tv independently :)

~Her favorite tv shoes include but are not limited to Diego, Dora, Bubbleguppies, Paw Patrol, Sofia the First, Mickey, and Doc McStuffins.

~She sometimes wants to go to bed by herself and she sometimes still wants to be rocked.

~We are working on the potty training. She has really good days and days where you would never know that she can use the potty. She usually gets a reward for going pee on the potty. She will go anytime you remind her but she doesn't always remember to go on her own.

~She is starting to go with more people without Alex or I there. She has play dates with Miss Lisa and when we are at Grandma Ann's house, she will go off with Aunt Kathy, Katie, Mallory and Melissa. She will play for a long time before ever even remembering that we aren't there.

~She knows the difference between boys and girls for the most part.

~She talks about school and I prepare her for the fact that she will be going next year.

~She helps with vacuuming, laundry, unloading the dishwasher, cleaning, and cleaning up her toys.

~Charlotte is becoming more and more responsible and I can generally trust her to be good and stay out of trouble downstairs while I am upstairs showering.

~She tells Sawyer what to do all of the time and will usually tell me if he is doing something wrong. (Her delivery in telling him to stop what he is doing needs work though.)

~She has certain things that she just really doesn't like... our red Avenger is one of those things. She freaks out when she has to ride in the Avenger. It's always REALLY fun when she does that when it's just me and the kids out and about (as usual.)

~She prefers for Mommy to put her to bed most nights. I am usually the only one home during bedtime so I am sure that is why she prefers Momma but I usually try to get her to let Daddy put her to bed on the nights he IS home.

 ~Charlotte has started telling people she is sorry without us having to tell her to do so. She also usually says please and thank you to other people when she is with them.

~Charlotte speaks in full sentences all of the time and I can understand pretty much everything that she says. 

~She says "I love you so much" all of the time and it usually when she is hugging us. If she hears me whisper "I love you" when I tuck her into bed, she says it back as I walk out of the room. After a long hard day of disciplining and hearing screaming from both kids, it's just what a mom needs to hear.

~You can find her singing and dancing all of the time.If you turn a radio on and give her a microphone, you just might need ear plugs. She really yells when that microphone is in her hand :)

~She is a dancing queen. We will probably be starting her in dance next year. She LOVES to dance....especially to the Sofia the First theme song.

~Her favorite songs are "Happy  Birthday", "The Wheels on the Bus", "Old Mcdonald" and "This Little Light of Mine".

~She is obsessed with babies, dressing up, purses, phones, and animals.

~She has fingerpainted one time and it was a hot mess. :)

~She loves playdates even if she has a bit of problem with sharing each time. She is getting better with it.

~She says her best friends are "Ella and Gavin."

~She has started talking on the phone with people when they call.

~When we are out of something like chips or ham or juice or even if something is broke, she will tell me to "Go get some at the store."

~She listens better to other people than she does to Mommy and Daddy. She also is an almost perfect child when she is the only child around :) She loves her one on one time.

~She  loves playing in the basement and outside and asks to go play in both every single day.

Charlotte is spirited and opinionated. She is a ball full of energy and emotion. She keeps on our toes at all times. She has more love inside of her than most people know what to do with. But she is a creature of habit and she gets overwhelmed at times. Her way of dealing with that is to be mean to others :) (Usually people she loves a lot like Aunt Bare, Gigi, etc.) Some days everything is a battle and some days nothing is a battle. But she is so smart, fun, and hilarious. We have an amazing child on our hands :)

She continues to keep growing....

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