Thursday, November 21, 2013

Japanese Food

On Thursday evening, we all got ready to go to dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Jackson and Mimi.
How grown up does this girl look??? Hair down, high heels on, phone in hand, and dog next to her.

Ella Grace is ready to go!! And she is ready to do your check up :)

While the rest of us got ready, Uncle Adam read Sawyer one of his favorite books. Oh, "Brown Bear".  He LOVES Brown Bear.

Once we all got ready, we headed to Miyabi's right down the road. We go there pretty much every time we come to visit Mimi. Alex LOVES Japanese food so he was so ready to dig into some real good food.
Sawyer and Ella fell asleep on the way to the restaurant. They both stayed asleep for awhile once we got to Miyabi's. Charlotte on the other hand, she was ready to rock and roll.
She was so excited to see all of the fish in the aquarium.

Ella was all snuggled up with Aunt Adrienne.

We had to wait quite awhile for our table bc it was busy...and 6 pm...and the sushi bar part of the restaurant is somewhat smaller. But that's ok. The kids were being good and we were all just hanging around talking.
When we got our table, Charlotte was super excited to get her food. And thanks to Auntie Kate's endless treats in her bag and her portable TV she brings, Charlotte and Ella were pretty well amused for the first while.

Our table. I sat at the end in between my two crazies. Sawyer travelled between Alex and I.
My sushi plate. Yummmm
I am pretty sure I ate all of it.

Our little adventurist. Sawyer will eat anything. And he did this particular night.

My seat. :) Food everywhere. I didn't even have a place mat. Oh the joys of being a mom. You are always having to be on your toes and on the edge of your seat.

Ella and her sucker....doesn't it look like a cigarette ???

We sat on the other side of the aquarium. Ella and Charlotte went on a walk with Grandpa Jackson and Adrienne and they ended up on the other side of the aquarium.

Grandma and Grandpa and the babies.

These kids love animals and fish.

She is so funny :)

These two love each other. They are so funny.

The kids got pretty restless so they were all over the place by the end of the meal. Charlotte went on a few walks with Grandpa Jackson and eventually all of the kids joined Grandma and Grandpa Jackson. We finally took the kids out to play in the parking lot for a few minutes. By the time we got into the car, we had been at Miyabi's for 3 hours. The kids were AMAZING for a three hour meal. I was SO SO SO PROUD of them!!!
We went back to the beach house and got the crazies ready for bed.
I love this picture. I don't know why.
How cute are these jammies????

Ella is so funny.
Here she is pooping.

And then there are these jammies....There is a new sheriff in town!!

So the kids ran around like crazy people for awhile...even though we all assumed they would be tired and want to go to sleep. Charlotte stood at the door and talked to someone standing out there. There was no one there but she SWORE there was. So funny. Maybe it was a ghost....
Drake thought he saw it too.

She didn't like that we all laughed at her pooping earlier so she moved to a different corner.
Oh  my goodness, she is so funny.

Sawyer playing with Aunt Adrienne...

I have no idea why she is mad here. I see this face a lot.

I was finally able to get my kids to sleep in our king sized bed. Alex snuggled with Ella for a bit. She ended up finally going to sleep....after quite a bit of resisting it.
It was a great second day for us :) Food, family, friends, fun.....
Let the trip to SC continue...

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